
With NinetyforChill.com evolving into more than the rough draft blog for my primary blog, MainEventoftheDead.com needs a new place to test out the formatting of recent blogs. "Main Event of the Dead" is my screenplay about pro-wrestling and zombies. I have a movie website, so may as well have a wrestling site.

Monday, December 27, 2021

Only the Best in the World: All of 2021's Champions.

 *This blog post was started on December 23, 2021.

I had received a flu shot on Sunday. And my dentist told me to wear a night guard...again on Wednesday. It is difficult to see me not being in the best condition for next week's vacation. Too bad staying sterile seems to be necessary. What kind of trouble could that possibly get me in?

Christmas is going to be a small affair. My niece ended up with Covid. She is fine, but the quarantine is making it so my little sister's family will be cleared the day we leave for Florida. My little brother's family has called off coming down because his girlfriend/mother of his child is an ER nurse.

I understand that a nurse should not risk exposure when there are enough issues being brought into her place of work. My mom is of the opinion that she does not like our family or is just trying to control my brother, but she has always assumed that when it comes to the baby of the family. He was at least planning on coming down, but you never know what kind of messages the matriarch is sending. Needless to say, Yule Tide bar hopping amongst brothers shall not be happening either way.

Since I am bringing up a character from "Fight Club", I do not see comparing myself to Chloe being out of line. The end of the year is certain and all I want to do get laid for one last time.

Snapchat has provided enough reason that Omicron is a legitimate problem. Where have all the seemingly legit Premium Snaps have gone? How much does a bot maker earn for all the fake ones out there? Have I missed another calling?

Damn, this is going to be a difficult head trip to transition to wrestling. Since I do not post the "NinetyForChill.com - The #Podcast" drafts on this blog, it is tempting to walk away from this. But I gotta keep "MainEventOfTheDead.com" looking nice. I do not want to provide a reason for those to ignore my calls to produce my z-budget, pro-wrestling zombie comedy. "If the website is shit, surely the screenplay cannot be better," is an assumption I do not need.

What I do need are inquiries. If you want a treatment of my z-budget, horror comedy about a bunch of barely trained indie pro-wrestlers being tricked into fighting off zombies, send an email to russthebus07@gmail.com. I will also be happy to receive any advice on how to get this project out of developmental hell. Thanks.

As I stated, it is the end of the year, so might as well give you something related to it. No title bouts are scheduled until the fourth of January, so why not review the title changes that occurred in the world of Disgruntled's Real Championship Wrestling.

The Disgruntled's Real World Championships of 2021.

The Disgruntled's Real Men's World Champions:

The 96th Disgruntled's Real World Champion
AEW World Champion: Kenny Omega (2nd Reign)
He reigned from December 2, 2020 to November 13, 2021.
Omega defeated Jon Moxley for the championship.

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Tits As a Metaphor and 90-minute Discoveries of 2021: R to Z

*This blog post was started on December 21, 2021.

Time is not on my side when it comes to publishing blogs before the year ends. Am I really expected to be posting while I am in Disney World, hopefully?

With omicron (Am I the only one having fun learning the Greek alphabet during the pandemic?) becoming the dominant variant, ThePoeticCritic's paranoia about this family vacation going tits up maybe warranted. I say this because our younger sister is an elementary school teacher whose husband just got over a break through case of delta. She may want to call the trip off.

What I fear is that because she is the only one of my siblings who has not been to England (something she brings up when she wants to get on our parent's tits), her daughter will do the same thing to her if the trip gets cancelled. "Big Brother got to go when he turned five, but I couldn't." It is justice that she act the same way as her mom, but no one should be acting like her mom (at least the version of her mom that had yet to graduate university).

Of course, if you listen to the impromptu episode on "NinetyForChill.com - The #Podcast", "Buddy the Elf and His Zombie Diary", my big sister states how it does not look good that I will get the opportunity to build a light saber at "Galaxy's Edge". I hate to get all schadenfreude, but if I must suffer, maybe all should. Let it be known fate, that is a joke, not an attempt to tempt you.

Check out the rest of review at "Ninety For Chill: A More Acceptable Runtimes

Monday, December 20, 2021

Wrestling Writer's Block? Try Tag Team Wrestling.


*This blog post was started on December 16, 2021.

I guess I have found that sleep is a very, very good thing. My angst and frustration over the weekend at C2E2 is not at the front of my mind like it was recording a solo podcast the next day. Sadly, this would also mean that I am promoting pot and vodka (dibs on that band name) because they certainly helped in obtaining slumber.

The fresh stress will be the holidays after this weekend. Is it wrong to hope that the Covid screening may give me an entire weekend off? It was my nephew's birthday party on the day prior that lead to the exposure, not C2E2. Reed Pop does not run a sloppy ship. That is probably why AEW was doing promotion there and not Nick Khan's company.

Speaking of All Elite Wrestling (It is time for a wrestling blog to be posted.) , you cannot say that they are doing anything with a degree of slop. You cannot speak ill of a show that lets Bryan Danielson wrestle for an hour. Well, I suppose you can, especially when you need something to write about, usually a list. If nothing changes, what am I suppose to write about?

Way to not schedule Riho's challenge to Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. Tony Khan. Where is the equality in terms of promotion. I am kidding with that statement. WWE Day 1 is just two weeks away, so we are entering a static season.

My apologies if I am discounting the ROH World Heavyweight Championship. All my rankings would entail is changing the name from Bandido to Jonathan Gresham at the most. Then again, Bandido did not lose the championship, and Gresham was provided a different version of the championship. In other words, would changes need to be made? AEW will not have their updated rankings until next Wednesday anyhow.

This is leading me to believe that it is time to write the history of Women's Tag Team Championship. But, the current Men's tag teams have not been ranked, so sorry ladies for the tease.

The Disgruntled's Real Men's Tag Team Power Rankings (12/16/2021)

The Number 1 Tag Team in the World:
AEW Rey Fenix and Penta El Zero Miedo:
The Lucha Bros.

The Number 2 Tag Team in the World:
Mark Briscoe and Jay Briscoe:
The Briscoe Brothers

  • They are the current ROH World Tag Team Champions (A history recognized by the DRCW World Tag Team Championship).
  • They are the current Game Changer Wrestling Tag Team Champions.
  • They have started a feud with FTR, the current AAA Tag Team Champions and most recent challengers to the AEW World Tag Team Championship.

The Number 3 Tag Team in the World:
Jey Uso and Jey Uso:
The Bloodline

  • They are the current Smackdown Tag Team Champions (A history recognized by the DRCW World Tag Team Championship).
  • They are currently feuding with WWE's greatest tag team champions, The New Day.

The Number 4 Tag Team in the World:
Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows:
The Good Brothers

  • They are the current Impact World Tag Team Championship (A history recognized by the DRCW World Tag Team Championship).
  • They had recently won the NJPW Strong Tag Team Turbulence Tournament.

The Number 5 Tag Team in the World:
Randy Orton and (Matt) Riddle:
Rated RK-Bro

  • They are the current DRCW Unified Gnarly Men's World Doubles Champions.
  • They are the current Raw Tag Team Champions (A history recognized by the DRCW World Tag Team Championship).
  • They defeated The Bloodline (Smackdown Tag Team Champions) at Survivor Series.

The Number 6 Tag Team in the World:
Bestia 666 and Mecha Wolf 450:
La Rebelion

  • They are the current NWA World Tag Team Champions (A history recognized by the DRCW World Tag Team Championship).
  • The Current Crash Tag Team Champions.

The Number 7 Tag Team in the World: Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus: Jurassic Express

  • They are the current number one contenders for the AEW World Tag Team Championship
  • Along side Christian Cage, they recently won their feud with The Elite (The Young Bucks and Adam Cole [Bay Bay]).

The Number 8 Tag Team in the World: King Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston: The New Day

  • They are the current number one contenders for the Smackdown Tag Team Championship
  • They are the greatest tag team in WWE and feuding with The Bloodline puts them in the main event picture of Smackdown.

The Number 9 Tag Team in the World: Angelo Dawkins and Montez Ford: The Street Profits

  • They are currently in the finals of the RK-Bronament to determine the next number one contenders for the Raw Tag Team Championship.
  • They were the Smackdown/Raw Champions while The New Day were in their last reign as Raw/Smackdown Champions.

The Number 10 Tag Team in the World: Rey Mysterio and Dominik Mysterio

  • They are currently in the finals of the RK-Bronament to determine the next number one contenders for the Raw Tag Team Championship.
  • They are on a constant verge for a break up.
This should stay pretty static until WWE Day 1. It almost leaves me disappointed that there is not a direct competition between any of these wrestling promotions. Oh the joy that could be had if we had hot shot title changes. At least it would make my writing easier. What do you do when tag team wrestling cannot end writer's block? There are only two trios championships that come to mind.

Monday, December 13, 2021

Top #Movie Discoveries from 2021 for NinetyForChill: Justice to Rabid

*This blog post was started on December 8, 2021.

Why is it that Blueberry Red Bull is the only flavored version that I can find anytime of the year? Why is it pomegranate for this years holidays? I have never seen pomegranate sauce at the feast. How would they sell that anyway? This "What's the deal with" bit is going to result in me Googling all of these questions, and I will just end up falling behind again.

Right now, I am in a state of restlessness, and with the "Ready or Not" podcast to record tonight Red Bull is a necessity. Will I miss my nephews birthday because of the lack of sleep? The kid is still in grade school, so I might just make it in time tomorrow. But if I do just that bit of rushing, will I have the energy to venture into Downtown Peoria? Is that going to be forbidden since I am driving my older sister up to C2E2? Dad may want to get out of the house, but irresponsibility should not lead to a chauffeur.

But he is a Duran Duran fan. Sing, Blue Silver.

With my busy schedule and sudden Tinder popularity, I guess we can blame the flirtations instead of my computer issues for my set backs. There has not been too much time to think outside of my podcast. Even with C2E2, my podcast setup must be ready. My big sister was not a fan of dragging the boom mic and other accessories while I parked the car when were at Wizard World.

It could be a great editing experience. Why not use my Zoom P4 and my laptop if I can talk someone into record?

As for the blogs, 2021 still needs to be wrapped up, and the podcast has made it so there are twice as many movies to cover. With that said, lets continue my work on this years best of list.

2021 Discoveries for NinetyForChill.com:
"Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths" to "Rabid"

Honorable Mention: Pumpkinhead

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

For the Ladies: True Crime and Britt Baker.

*This blog post was started on December 2, 2021.

Too much work to know what the hell is going on. Tis the season.

I suppose working so much keeps me out of trouble, until you are expected to be a loan professional. This must be the reason the bathroom has been out of order at the bank for the last couple of days. It is karma balancing things out. To go into further details may violate the confidentiality agreement with the bank. With all the stuff I say about my family, parents preparing an NDA when their child moves out might be a wise move.

The lack of free time means I have not spoken to my folks recently. A write up is the worst that will happen to me at the bank. I think I can spare one more. Thus, there is just a sense of dread that somewhere, I am going to run into some trauma.

It is a yin and yang thing. Screw up someone's credit, I still get the offer to renew my apartment with $200 off my first month rent. Toilet goes out at the day job, the libertarian at the stall next to me is leaving for a bank job in my ex's hometown. There are not that many banks in Tuscola. Do I warn my ex's mom about a possible mistake?

All things considered, at least I know I am well informed outside of Central Illinois. I have a coworker watching a crime doc about Lori Vallow-Daybell. They are a fan of true crime entertainment and were perplexed not being aware of this case. My surprise came from the realization that people may not be reading enough. Then again, if we did not have so many mass shootings to take up the press, we can capitalize on every Casey Anthony-reminiscent crazy crime tale.

Of course I told my coworker to march against guns for this reason. At least agree with no more semi-automatic weapons. How well would that fuck up in Michigan have done amassing a body count if he only had six rounds and a hammer to pull back? With this power to compromise, I really got to get the progressives the girl who took my virginity gained the support of in her U.S. Representative campaign to follow me. If we turn this into a performance, I am as charismatic as the next bloke.

Aside from the fellow whose credit I may have screwed up (because my branch refuses to advance any of its employees thus ensuring they will not have the training to deal with odd scenarios), I have been focusing on the ladies around me. Vague pronouns are being done away with in the name of transitions. It is a weak segue way, but can you come up with a better one?

*This blog post was resumed on December 7, 2021.

The Disgruntled's Women's Wrestling Power Rankings (12/7/2021):

I assure you that I am researching to see if a Tag Team Championship lineage can be formed. It will not start in 1983 like most of the DRCW Championships. The NWA did their best, but by the 80's, it disappeared with the territories and brass knuckles belts.

With holiday craziness creating weird days at the bank, I have actually fallen behind in a lot of my creative aspects. Tonight, the editing of my podcast with Gregory Carl about the DC Animated Universe will commence. It should have occurred last night (if only he did not have a potty mouth), but trying to get my tablets and computers to sync up was a challenge that took up most of my evening. Oh the irony of writing a female-themed blog when a lot of the file moving were Suicide Girl pictures.

Because I needed to give my hundred(s) of listeners a head up, I offered up my coverage of the Criterion Collection kaiju classic "The X From Outer Space". If anyone is aware of another sub 100-minute movie that starts with X to feature in Ally's Accessories Shop on Etsy's Trash Feature Reviews, you have 365 days to let me know about it.

This is why I am relying on coming up with a women's wrestling power ranking. It is going to be a lot faster to come up with 10 women that should be touted instead of 40 years of teams that rarely share that aesthetic.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Thanksgiving and #Movies to Distract from the #Racism

*This blog post was started on November 26, 2021.

So what to write about this week? I did not mention professional wrestling till the last sentence. My ranking for that sport seems to be a little too fresh. I suppose I could just focus on women's wrestling, but the year is winding down. With that said, my immediate concern should be ranking the movies of "NinetyForChill.com - The #Podcast". There are still some movies I need to watch before this year ends, but when I am dealing with scores of movies too judge against each other, best to get this exercise started now.

2021 Discoveries for NinetyForChill.com:
"2001 Maniacs" to "Judge Dredd"

Check out the rest of review at "Ninety For Chill: A More Acceptable Runtimes