
With NinetyforChill.com evolving into more than the rough draft blog for my primary blog, MainEventoftheDead.com needs a new place to test out the formatting of recent blogs. "Main Event of the Dead" is my screenplay about pro-wrestling and zombies. I have a movie website, so may as well have a wrestling site.

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Non-Murderous, Undisclosed Desires and the Current Disgruntled's Wrestling Champions

 *This blog post was started on May 31, 2022.

Nothing seems to be going right in starting this post. I looked up songs by The Smiths to come up with a title for the personal part of the blog only to look at my previous posts to find that two posts ago was called "Pick Your Smiths Songs". That is a real kick in the teeth because "Suffer Little Children" would be fitting for the past week.

If it is any consolation for us Americans who have compassion instead of homicidal desires (Are these what Matt Bellamy was singing about?) and the need to defend their past, Twitter has not been too bad. Prior to Uvalde, I was still getting some gun nuts coming out of the woodwork in regards to my call for them to practice their aim instead of buying semi-automatic weapons. Those tweets were sent during WrestleMania weekend. Did those cunts just get out of Twitter jail and had to catch up on whatever those who are more careful in their echo chamber had to disparage?

They are probably just laying low right now because the cowards they voted for are taking the heat for the bullshit they would spout in their stead. If being in power cannot stop you from being an embarrassment, what can your anonymous ass do? Once the house passes their legislation, they will probably express their paranoia again because racist assholes like Rodney Davis had failed them, so red state senators cannot.

I thought I would get around to writing about my own struggles (like trying to find something to enjoy that is not dependent on the influence of others per my therapist), but after naming an incompetents racist, memories of his anti-woman stance come to mind. It has been so long since I wrote for the sake of writing, I did not get to express my anger over Roe v. Wade's inevitable overturning. Should I be writing just to get my rage out? If Mom cracks down on the therapy bills, that maybe my only option.

There is a part of me that thinks I maybe adding even more stress into my life by going to therapy. We are developing a good report, but can it help me? I think that I maybe focusing more on my problems, so that I will have them to talk about. Hence, my troubles seem like they are on my mind more now. With rent going up $60 and a credit card interest coming do, working short shifts with few friends leaves me focused on the lack of money. Sticking around before/after my shift was scheduled to begin/end may help the pocketbook, but it is only more time to think about how few pages are in it.

When it comes to finding outlets to be social, my big sister finds it in Twitter. With her personality, it is easy to see why. She gets to chat with fellow ignored souls. To cope with the assholes she had to endure, being ignored meant a good day. I suppose my problem is that I cannot stand just being ignored.

And the world's problem is not developing a thick skin where they can ignore silly statements. I have probably left people more upset by calling Johnny Depp menacing and claiming that people who ignore their dogs on walks to focus on their phones are closet cat people. People want to be heard, but not interacted with. How dare anyone make them think of the trivial (and occasional dim) things they have said.

Then you get assholes like @daykyle who want to remind me how Cody Rhodes return to WWE is improving rating for McMahon's promotion while the needle only moved once for CM Punk's return to wrestling. I guess this blog will piss him off. Maybe it will get him to write blogs because 280 characters cannot offer him an argument.

The Current Disgruntled's Real Wrestling Champions (May 31, 2022)

With that said, we already know who is going to be named the Men's World Champion. How is Cody going to top the CM Punk story? He is not going to be the guy to unseat the DRCW Interim Champion. Winning Money in the Bank and then cashing in after Roman Reigns beats The Rock is the only way I think his story can be better than what Punk's comeback has been.

He might get a brief reign before WrestleMania, but unless McMahon is going to make the turncoat their top guy and abandon the 10-year build of the Chris Hero stand in, it is not going to mean a damn thing. A reign where Roman just gets the belt(s) back is nothing more that a shallow means to claim that WWE has shown the upmost respect to The American Dream.

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Head On...into the Unknown: My Life and Women's Wrestling

 *This blog post was started on May 8, 2022.

Head On...into the Unknown: My Life and Women's Wrestling

So the blog titles are bleeding in to the nineties now. I suppose it cannot be helped. Until "Return of the Jedi", the first part of the eighties were a little blurry. There was "Flash Gordon", but that album only has a couple of tracks with actual lyrics. The title song will not help to describe my life. Lets just forget about "The Hero".

Why am I suggesting my future is unknown? It feels like all I can do is take life one day at a time. My finances are stable, but there is always the unexpected expense to fear. Therapy seems overpriced, but not surprising. We will have to break that down after the next appointment.

But, money is the only thing to worry about, and that is just something I philosophically want to avoid worrying about. If there is anything tense about it right now, it is that I have to actually pay for Zoom. Who would have thought that the Dwayne Johnson/Karl Urban based on a video game feature, "Doom" is going to bring out the most people wanting to record a podcast?

Another financial punch might be needing to find cooler music for the podcast. If you are going to be working with "Wheel of Horror", my uplifting theme by "The Smithereens" may not fit the proposed episode. I may just wait until this four-person, multi-time zone episode is in the can.

Just take the hit for Zoom. I do not want to miss out on the promo code. Why else would I have gotten another credit card?

Well, there are medical expenses. I cannot cost my folks $500 a month. And who knows what the cost of "Forbidden Door" tickets are going to run me. Better to have than wish.

My only wish is for a surprising death. Retirement is for those with college degrees. Hence why we need student loan forgiveness. A degree with debt leaves you in as bad a condition as me.

I am just worried about a static life right. I get enough static bullocks with the wrestling scene. We need competition just so we can get some hot shot booking to make my rankings seem more interesting.

The Disgruntled's Women's Wrestling Power Ranking (5/08/2022):

I am not saying that I want world titles to change hands frequently, but when all promotions are just keeping the same champions, it does not encourage you to watch the other promotion. Hollywood Hogan held the WCW belt for nearly two years, and it should have been a good idea (Starrcade 97 proved otherwise.). WWF knew they did not have an icon at the time, so they had to surround their championship with drama instead of sport.

Right now, wrestling promotions are too concerned with creating new icons. WWE is not even thinking about anything else. So, needless to say, "WrestleMania: Backlash" is not really impressing me, with the exception of Edge getting a better booked House of Black.

I will give the Smackdown Women's Championship "I Quit" match credit, but that is just a course correction. So, do not expect Rhonda to rank at the top.

The Number One Women's Wrestler in the World:
Thunder Rosa (Up 7 spots)

  • She is the current Disgruntled's Women's Real World Champion.
  • She is the current AEW Women's World Champion.
  • She is the only current Western, televised wrestling women's champion with a secondary title holder beneath her further cementing her importance.
  • Serena Deeb is the next top contender. If AEW plays up that this is the woman who took the NWA title from Rosa, we can lead to thinking that a title change is possible.

The Number Two Women's Wrestler in the World:
Bianca Belair (Up 4 Spots).

  • She is the current Raw Women's Champion (A belt that has been recognized as the Real World Championship).
  • She has yet to lose at WrestleMania.
  • The Raw women's roster is being booked better, so she should get the finest contender.