
With NinetyforChill.com evolving into more than the rough draft blog for my primary blog, MainEventoftheDead.com needs a new place to test out the formatting of recent blogs. "Main Event of the Dead" is my screenplay about pro-wrestling and zombies. I have a movie website, so may as well have a wrestling site.

Friday, June 10, 2022

Give Me the Prize: Download that Queen Song and the NEW Disgruntled's Interim Champion

*Blog post was started on June 10, 2022.

I am in a relatively good mood. It turns out that all of my stress may have been based out of financial concerns, but I ended up figuring that out. There is still a need to address my parents when it comes to what they are expecting from their 42 year-old son with no kids and a job that just pays enough but does not offer a retirement (The stock market is killing me right now as I stick around $1..., best not let Experian google me.).

Of course, trying to get home to do that when your job does not offer a set schedule can be a challenge. With Fan Expo coming up soon, I need to find out who is babysitting my big sister, so I guess I just have to deal with the gas prices. There is enough credit to get a scooter out right, but that does not necessarily build my credit?

I got to get my mind off of the money. This is something that I had just conquered. Live in the present I suppose.

And this present has lead us to a time where we are actually going to crown an Interim Men's World Champion. It is probably going to be a simple exercise, but with my brain, I can probably over complicate it.

The Actual Disgruntled's Men's World Heavyweight Champion

The most recent DRCW Interim Championship was established after Seth Rollins cashed in Money in the Bank. This reign is included in the Disgruntled's Real Men's World Championship title history, but this was the second time that I declared a Money in the Bank cash in part of the history. It is a cowardly way to earn the championship, because of that, I, as the Disgruntled, negated the other 19 people who have won this way.

With hindsight being 20/20 (One more reason why we should have known to wear mask and get vaccinated. The year told us to think of 1918.), I went back to offer alternative champions. Tony Khan is making the wise decision to state his own interim champion, but for a mark, we have four other champions who may be better than a soon to be glorified number one contender. Thus, it is time to figure out who is the current champion in waiting.

Is it ROH World Champion Jonathan Gresham?