
With NinetyforChill.com evolving into more than the rough draft blog for my primary blog, MainEventoftheDead.com needs a new place to test out the formatting of recent blogs. "Main Event of the Dead" is my screenplay about pro-wrestling and zombies. I have a movie website, so may as well have a wrestling site.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

A Call for Podcast Guests and Honorable Ninety-Minute (or 97 min) Film Discoveries of 2020

 *Blog post started on December 28, 2020.

Find out about eight fun sub 97-minute movies at Main Event of the Dead.com and determine if this thought process can be translated into a B-movie comedy about pro-wrestling 

With the pandemic, there is no excuse for anyone to not have watched more films than any other year. My output for NinetyForChill.com was nearly doubled. So my promise of a best and worst list from last year can be fulfilled. The only problem that I have discovered with this is, because so many of the reviews are from my 2009/2010 notebooks, I cannot do a ranked "worst of" list. Believe me, that list will/would comprise of some of the worst features I have EVER seen. That list will/would (The best of will just get out by the end of the year) suffer because the decade between writing the reviews and transcribing them to the blog, the visuals may have slipped my mind despite the pain being quite prevalent.

I guess that means I am just doing better when it comes to picking flicks that will take away from my video game time. On the flip side, since I am enjoying "Cyberpunk 2077" on the PlayStation 4, maybe my cerebral taste buds have just been worn down. There is a sense that "Dr. Chopper" was better than a few of the 10-year old reviews from the past like "Skeleton Crew", "Moscow Chill", and "9 Dead". Those films had some budget when compared to the Costas Mandylor shot on VHS product, so I might have just been to mean to them.

Turning 30 was tough. At least I turned 40 in 2020. Everybody is suffering, so it is not all about the world not giving a shit about me. Anyway, revisiting bad movies just to say how much more awful they are to other wretched films would not be a good way to end this year.

As for how the year has worn on me, I think the body is holding up pretty well. The worst thing about last week was my vessel needed to recover from going back to heavy meals and booze as a reaction to my physical being cancelled (I am going to OSF to work on my body, not my brain, so talk should be cheap especially with Zoom waiving the 40-minute video rule. A copay is not worth a video conference). Trying to avoid a 2 a.m. Christmas morning political argument with my mom was a challenge, but manageable.

My only challenge beyond that is trying to find a PS5 to charge to my folks as per their instructions before Christmas. Receiving a check from them to spend as I feel is sending miss messages. If it turns out that I am double-dipping (like I succeeded to do to the "Wrestling Compadres Slamcast"...have they gotten over being WWE apologists yet?), that check the government is sending is meant to stimulate the economy instead of rescueing the poor. I would be doing my patriotic duty to buy a PlayStation with it. Or do true Yanks buy Xbox?

When it comes to new challenges, there is no reason that I cannot follow through on the resolution of starting my own podcast, at this time for NinetyForChill.com. My primary idea is to have a guest per episode bring a sub-100-minute feature to talk about and I brink one as well. This is going to be a brief one, so I suppose they should be similarly themed feature to get it in at under 97 minutes. If you are looking to have your voice be heard, drop me a line at russthebus07@gmail.com and we will roll from there.

And now I can be like everyone else and have a reason to be on Zoom. It is good to feel like you belong. Sadly, the movie selection for the best under 100-minute flicks this year will force out a lot of the lower budget fair. These honorable mentions are fine pieces of art, but I hate to say it: You are going to overlook acrylic painting when you see the artist move on to oil.


Read the rest of this blog and other stories at Main Event of the Dead.com and determine if this thought process can be translated into a B-movie comedy about pro-wrestling 

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