
With NinetyforChill.com evolving into more than the rough draft blog for my primary blog, MainEventoftheDead.com needs a new place to test out the formatting of recent blogs. "Main Event of the Dead" is my screenplay about pro-wrestling and zombies. I have a movie website, so may as well have a wrestling site.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

FMK: COVID-19, "American Ninja" Sequels, "Star Wars" Prequels.

*Blog post started on December 8, 2020.

A Text from Mom:

Dan Gable just got the Medal of Freedom from Trump. Neat

My Desired Response:

Well, he (Gable) got all the cartilage removed from his knees before he was 30, so great post career decisions can be questioned. You can say, "That was what the doctors recommended at the time." I will retort that you are demonizing Anthony Fauci for contradicting Trump because he would change his recommendations with further scientific knowledge.

James Gunn's "Slither" - A Cronenbergian Successor to "Gremlins"

At least she has yet to go off about the experimental Trump miracle cure that Dad and her received. I do not think she will acknowledge that this treatment may have possibly been what caused her husband's recent pulmonary embolism. When I spoke with Mom the day it occurred and after he had settled in and the emergency had passed, she told me that he said the hospital food was good.


After that kind of emergency, it is good to just rant a little. When my dad had a heart attack about 20 years ago, I panicked when I was awoken to meet them at the hospital, but as I drove over, my mind was coming up with snide remarks to kid around with. Of course I arrived first (I still think hearing that I drove like I was in Chicago as a complement during my time as a hotel shuttle driver.), so when Dad was carted in, I told Mom I needed a Coke. Dad is pretty appreciative of my humor, so he gave me a labored chuckle about me saying "If (some politician we despised or famous athlete) could beat this, you'll be fine."

Read the rest of this blog and other stories at Main Event of the Dead.com and determine if this thought process can be translated into a B-movie comedy about pro-wrestling 

"Me and My Mates vs. The Zombie Apocalypse" - A Mostly Positive "Oi, Oi, Oi"

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