
With NinetyforChill.com evolving into more than the rough draft blog for my primary blog, MainEventoftheDead.com needs a new place to test out the formatting of recent blogs. "Main Event of the Dead" is my screenplay about pro-wrestling and zombies. I have a movie website, so may as well have a wrestling site.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Two-Night King of the Ring 2021 instead of WrestleMania? And Hellboy 2019

 *Blog post started on January 14, 2020.

The Disgruntled's Real Championship Wrestling blog needs a wrestling related post. I could say that "Sucker Punch" was pretty much a wrestling project, but "MMA is for those who cannot spell Pro Wrestling". That is still the favorite AAW Pro shirt that I own.

The timing for this need could not be worst. We are essentially in a holding pattern because WrestleMania season is about to begin. Raymond James Stadium in Tampa is supposed to be the location so that they may allow fans, and after Wrestle Kingdom 15 getting to host 12,000, I think WWE will successfully push this through.

I guess the Thunder Dome could work out fine. Does WWE really want a loud crowd to hijack the showcase of the immortals when they could just continue to pipe the crowd noise in? Still, for the biggest show of the year, you need life for it to work. We cannot have another two-day spectacle at the Performance Center. That synthetic arena vibe at WrestleMania 36 killed everything except the cinematic matches. It would have been better off at the empty Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino. Was Linda McMahon's cabinet position the only repayment Vince McMahon received for keeping that property operating in the late 80's?

Since we are still in the pandemic, I imagine that WrestleMania will again be two nights. There will not be any indie shows to ride off its coat tails. My question is: Is it special enough for two nights?

Wrestle Kingdom has built up two main event stories that require both nights. Last year's Mania was two nights just to make it seem important. Night One did not effect Night Two. Unless there is going to be a title unification, what story worth two nights is there?

I wonder if the WWE fans are over the disappointment of "WrestleMania 4". The sloppy tournament is not appreciated by most. Even with four hours to run, 18 matches was too many to expect half of them to get the time to be classics. But with nine (knowing WWE, possibly 10 hours), is there a better time to reintroduce The King of the Ring?

It is good to just type "out loud". This was originally going to be a blog about tertiary titles that sound unique enough to bring to major promotions. For some reason, I thought that would be how to make WrestleMania special.

I think what AEW wishes they could have are tournaments like NJPW's G1 Climax. That is not practical for them since they are a long way from being a touring company even in non-corona virus times, but I think the idea of making the product feel more like a sport is the charm of the tournament that made the likes of Kenny Omega, Kota Ibushi, and Tetsuya Naito.

This hardcore American wrestling audience wants more spectacular matches for the sake of spectacular matches instead of blood feuds. We do not need a story to have Cesaro and Daniel Bryan go 25 minutes. If this was not the case AAW Pro would still be a place for trainers in the Midwest to showcase their students instead of serving as a preview for what will be seen on NXT and AEW in the next three years.

*Blog post returned to on January 20, 2021.

When I have not been editing, lining up new guests, and binging Jeff Goldblum movies for "NinetyForChill.com: The Podcast", I have tried to get my mind back on wrestling. A part of my brain is always on wrestling since I used my podcasts to take digs at Hulk Hogan and CM Punk, but it has been burned out quite a bit. Yesterday may have been the most important edition of Impact on AXS TV, but I was too exhausted to make it through Private Party versus Chris Sabin and James Storm for the Impact World Tag Team Championship's number one contendership.

This could be because of watching and reviewing "Hellboy (2019)" as a midnight movie (I just had to reference it on "Episode 2: Jurassic Jeff Jezebel Owes Me Eight Bucks", but I will say, the piped crowd noise is not helping the audience to stay involved with. To make canned noise work, you have to be able to shoot around the lack of live people interacting with the product. Stadiums benefit from the advertisements that cover the empty seats. Who is to say there are not live fans in the upper decks? According to NBC, Ralph Wilson Stadium's 6,700 fans sounded like 67,000.

If a crowd of 6,700 did sound like 67,000-person gathering, this country is never getting over the pandemic. Wrestle Kingdom had 12,000 people who followed social distancing and mask practices. They were committed to clapping to give the noise the boys required to excel with no spit spread. They are doing well at Daily's Place, but not so much when it comes to the Dawg Pound or the Bills Mafia. Did we win our independence to abandon Anglo/European discipline?

And that is an excellent transition to why the masses will not accept a revival of Ring of Honor's "Round Robin Challenge". After three of those event, ROH decided to abandon this concept which is sad. In principle, who would not want to see Drew Gulak, Shinsuke Nakamura, and Adam Cole face of against each other in three separate matches? The best concept deserves the best showcase.

Sadly, people do not have the attention span to accept drama where they must keep track of circumstances or accept draws. Win or go home is so much easier to understand. Since WrestleMania is officially two nights this year, it is time to make King of the Ring the best pay-per-view premise once again.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

An Inadvertant Jeff Goldblum Shrine and the Under Appreciated "New Mutants"

 *Blog post started on January 12, 2020.

And of course the podcast drop ruins the blog dropping schedule. I cannot really add additional NinetyForChill.com post once the latest podcast is released. Cannot have visitors scrolling to find the play button.

In case you have not heard about the first episode of "NinetyForChill dot Com: The Podcast" finally dropping. Feel free to hit play below to hear "Ally's Abbreviated Anime Adventure".

Read more: https://html.com/media/#ixzz6jIeBsAn5

The next problem that the podcast has presented me with is, I promised to address a 90-minute movie that I had rented the night I finished producing it. Needless to say, the visceral review for "The New Mutants" was a necessity for the next episode. Do I retread that feature with a written review?

There are a lot more podcasting issues. Right now, I am waiting on my older sister to listen to the first episode to see if her reputation would be besmirched or not if she was to be the the next guest. It is tough for me to comprehend. Not that she wants to make sure she will not humiliate herself. My initial pitch was a Jeff Goldblum theme. If anything, I get a reason to watch "Mad Dog Time"...or "The Fly" since Ally and I gave "Videodrome" some love last week. Which seems cooler:

Check out the rest of review at "Ninety For Chill: A More Acceptable Runtimes

Friday, January 8, 2021

"Sucker Punch": A Shot-on-Video Movie from 2008 and the The Start of 2021

 *Blog post started on January 7, 2021.

Tom Hardy | Sucker Punch (2008)


Check out my review of "Sucker Punch" at "Ninety For Chill: A More Acceptable Runtimes

So I was angry to the point where I did not feel much like joking. If that shit had to happen, why on my day off? Once AEW concluded, it left me feeling like I had wasted all the time before hand with that frustration. In other words, the pissed off conservative trolls were either too confused or too afraid to acknowledge they have been calling for an insurrection to engage me on Twitter.

Fortunately, gambling is not something that I plan to take up this year. I thought we had a chance for a quiet return to normalcy. Dr. Dre seems to be recovering from the brain aneurysm. Georgia went blue. It seems we just cannot have nice things.

My wishes for things to be quiet were pointless though. If things are quiet, then there is less on the internet for me to read. With less to read, more down time has been established. How do I spend my down time? Writing is the answer of course. When the rational world knows Trump should be removed from office, can I really add to it (beyonds recommending Twitter accounts that should be locked out like their leader's)?

Wrestle Kingdom 5: Night 2 was a solid card, but no surprises except for the promise that Jon Moxley will defend the United States Championship for a third time. Unless NJPW is going to work with AEW, thus allowing KENTA of the Bullet Club to return to Orlando and make a trip up to Jacksonville for the match. I suppose since Moxley is battling a Biz Cliz off shoot, Moxley does not have to look weak in defeat.

I do not want to make this blog (Main Event of the Dead) solely about the wrestling business. This must be an indicator that I should get to work on my next fictional project. If you have any ideas on how to move my pro-wrestling zombie comedy, "Main Event of the Dead", out of development hell or would like a script treatment, feel free to send them to russthebus07@gmail.com. That will at least give me some kind of distraction. It may be hard to write my idea for a television pilot on bank hardware.

Then again the "Main Event of the Dead" treatment I composed for Chicago's best wrestler was compiled on the Mark Twain's concierge computer, so perhaps I need to be daring for the sake of being daring. Of course, if someone from Peoria (or Chicago) were to claim my work, I have the copyright so I will get my pound of flesh. It is a catch 22. Write it on my laptop, neglect my cats for a few evenings, and then secure the copyright despite no one will buy copyrighted material. Write it on bank software but leave a trail for it to be stolen before I can sell it.

It seems theft is what all drama is based upon. The Trump base is trying to steal the election. Jon Moxley wants vengeance against Kenny Omega for stealing the AEW World Championship from him. I want to own my ideas, but you cannot sell intellectual property. If only I could come up with a Danny Ocean style crew to turn the negatives into positives.

Demonstrating my charisma is what I hope to start achieving. Tonight, I am going to try and gather a podcast based on NinetyForChill.com out of my former partner. She is pretty reserved, but tell her to drop her Etsy shop into the conversation, this might pay off.

If only I did not have to listen for customers. If it was like my old copy-writing gig, I could just listen to podcasts. That way, I could listen to all of my friends who have started podcasts and start to network with obtainable guests. It seems cheaper than paying for Patreons to secure them.

Unless everyone of the locals have Patreons. The pay walls just takes away the will to struggle to fame and fortune. There are no dues to pay, or at least anyone who is willing to pay for them.

Or perhaps it is all about opening a print-to-order T-shirt shop. It worked for Tony Khan. I wonder why he has not turned to making chic merchandise for the Jaguars. Bullet Club mash up with Jackson de'Ville, and the sales can get you those generational talents that this AFC South team so desperately needs.

*January 8, 2021.

The recording of the first "Ninety For Chill: The Podcast" seems to have went well. I was starting to partake of my whiskey collection during the recording, so needless to say I have not played the Zoom meeting back, recorded an intro, or began editing. Because of the alcohol, there was no way I was going to partake in the NuEra Hybrid that I have at home. Something needed to be done with the rest of the evening, and "Ninety For Chill: The Website" has been falling behind in content.

My original title for this blog was going to be "Theft: The Insurrection; The US Championship; The Podcast", so I thought a heist movie would be good to unwind to. Unfortunately, these movies tend to require a lot of detail, so finding one that was under 97 minutes did not go well. Netflix did mail me a 2008 feature called "Sucker Punch" that was about underground fighting in London. Since those films are about grifting, that seemed an appropriate subject as the Trump presidency comes to an end. Being incredibly ugly by being shot on video...possibly tape also seems fitting when the government was held hostage by a bunch of people who could not program a VCR.

If only the Capital Building had a clock out front flickering 12:00 a.m. at the traitors, the confusion could have slowed the siege down. And it would have kept those twats who objected to the certification from even showing up.

Check out my review of "Sucker Punch" at "Ninety For Chill: A More Acceptable Runtimes 

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

FMK: Wrestle Kingdom 15, @Marty Scurll, The OCHO: The NEW Real Secondary Championship

 *Blog post started on January 4, 2021.

I somehow ended up with a three-day weekend, so productivity was not a primary concern. If anything, the schedule left me worried that a furlough is coming up at my retail job. After December 27, the curbside pickup shelves were pretty barren. The upside to this is that it should have at least made the "weekend show up and walk out" coworker have to be counted on. What a way to celebrate a birthday. This seems like inverse karma, but I will enjoy it however it comes.

With how I like to ideally lay every one of my blogs out, we are do for a wrestling one. It has been a week since Brodie Lee has passed, so I think I should be able to write about the business in a calm place. Having to put out my year end blogs ("A Call for Podcast Guests and Honorable Ninety-Minute [or 97 min] Film Discoveries of 2020" and "Best 2020 Ninety-Minute [or 97 min] Film Discoveries for Chilling") when it came to sub-100-minute cinema let me avoid the topic.

Unfortunately for pro-wrestling, a lack of productive fandom was present. WrestleTalk and WhatCulture released a lot love with year end lists, but since I work a day job and January 4th did not fall on the weekend, I have not seen any of Wrestle Kingdom's first night. Fate's bigger kick in the teeth is that the bank's five-day work week regardless of Saturday coverage means I will have a day off in the middle of the week. Sadly, that is Wednesday, thus I cannot watch eight hours of wrestling in one sitting tonight to be up to speed.

I blame fate, but now that I am the third most powerful person at the branch (That does sound like being the third tallest on an "NBA Jam" roster.), the wisdom should have been their to request those days off in advance. Not watching Wrestle Kingdom 15: Night 2 live is inexcusable for someone who has essentially become nothing more than a mark. Thank the gods for COVID-19 so I can just proclaim any non-signed talent is in the same status as I. If you are finding booking because of lack corona virus restrictions, you have a priority issue or an inability to accept reality. And that sounds like the pot calling the kettle their word.

*January 5, 2021

A pot of coffee has been brewed at the bank. It is not for me. The new hire needed it to plow through the regulatory training and the new father only had three hours of sleep. Though, since the new dad talked about finishing "Cyberpunk 2077" (as a nomad) last night and restarting (as a corpo), I doubt the son was the reason for that. This is all a long way of questioning what kind of wrestling fan I am. Surely I could have stayed up and watch the live stream of Wrestle Kingdom: Night 2 and not be any worse for wear.

I did work through Night 1, and it was a pretty solid card. My change would have been Will Ospreay defeating Kazuchika Okada because you should not let both up and coming talents loose out. Hiroshi Tanahashi put over the young upstart Chris Jericho the year prior, so he should not be made to lose to The Great-O-Kharn. Okada got to delay the Kota Ibushi ascension last year, so he should not be hurt by doing the favor. Call me old fashioned, but your Super Bowl is suppose to be the end of the story not the beginning. Are we working towards Okada giving Ospreay his win back next year?

Surprisingly, WrestleTalk did not cover the event. They are based in London. No one would have to stay up all night to watch it. At worst, you are waking up at six in the morning. It is your job guys. We all wake up at least an hour before the time clock needs to be punched. I am not regretting being a patron with the laziness being displayed.

They may have been covering it live on the Wrestle 2 channel, but if you do not even do predictions video for the second biggest show in wrestling on your primary channel to promote your secondary, did you really care.?Cutting those ties to a #SpeakingOut name (Will Ospreay) are we?

At least you can still count on them in regards to Western wrestling news. Knowing that Raw was would be the only show be covered in their daily news video, they mentioned that Marty Scurll coming to terms on his release from Ring of Honor, along with his #SpeakingOut allegation. I am just stuck wondering why Jay Lethal is still on the ROH payroll.

Reddit...Marty Scurll...if you want to see a sick pro wrestling entrance look him up

I do not want to come across as insensitive about abuse in the wrestling business. With what I gathered from the Marty Scurll situation was that he was just disrespectful to someone he was intimate with. If an accuser is not pursuing the predator criminally or civilly, I am open to overthink what happened. This comes from me being in a situation where I did nothing wrong except feel concern for someone who was coked up, angry, and dangerous. We reconciled over that incident, but are either of us admitting fault?

Most people who have heard my story seem to believe me, but I was definitely seen in a better light before hand. In retrospect, I should have been standing up for her and place myself in a position to understand her motives and fears, and making it clear that what she did in her past that did not involve the night in question should not lead to any assumptions about her. This thought process has lead me to unfollow a lot of Johnny Depp fans who think Amber Heard is evil thus Warner Bros should have canned Mera instead of Grindelwald. If she is not mentally stable or has any degree of PTSD, what she says cannot be called a bold-faced lie.

So, yeah, I want to see Scurll in AEW as soon as possible. He sounds more upstanding than Rick Swann. Scurll has never inspired a woman to run away from him to the point where authorities got involved. Scurll has undoubtedly been an asshole in the past, and it seems like he has paid for it. Unless the ROH deal was guaranteed money. If that is the case, I could see not booking him until Full Gear 2021.

I think my stance is better flushed out in my blog post "Postponing (Not Cancelling) @TheProductDS and the Disgruntled's Real Women's Champ" or anything under my #SpeakingOut category. If anything, I hope my views on the subject maybe evolving. COVID-19 has kind of ruined my chances to find parties with a better understanding of victims or have their own experiences of abuse. That is a scary statement, but I have found that most of us are dealing with trauma from abuse of some sort. Mine is documented in "#MeToo and the Disgruntled’s Real World Champ Part 4".

With all of my Disgruntled's Real Championship title histories seemingly always ending up associated with sexual trauma of some kind, I think I would be one hell of a shoot interview. Do the marks ever get those? But this blog post does not seem long enough, so lets get our current DRCW Championship.

If only I had decided to stay away from WrestleTalk this morning, I could have just transitioned into this topic based on Jon Moxley's Wrestle Kingdom promo which I hope leads to him facing off against KENTA at Revolution 2021 (I think I tweeted @tonykhan with "Full Gear". I was clean and sober, so that is a bit embarrassing.). That would be a nice throwback to the glory days of ROH not the Sinclair-owned era of picking and choosing of persona-non-grates.