
With NinetyforChill.com evolving into more than the rough draft blog for my primary blog, MainEventoftheDead.com needs a new place to test out the formatting of recent blogs. "Main Event of the Dead" is my screenplay about pro-wrestling and zombies. I have a movie website, so may as well have a wrestling site.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Ichi the Killer: The First Live Action Comic Book

 Ichi the Killer: The First Live Action Comic Book

Are American comic book movies truly comic book movies (This review was written in 2010.)? It is without question that they, for the most part, have to stay away from the dark modern elements, but do they really look like a comic book (if Frank Miller is not involved)? Maybe that is too tacky for Hollywood when the dismissal of Frank Miller is apparent. I think they maybe missing the point. The pictures are the books' vision. Should directors skew them for their vision?

Takeshi Miike thinks not, and he has always been set on delivering the uncompromising vision of the newsprint vision. Even if that is an adaptation of the ultra violent, ultra misogynistic, adolescent tale of "Ichi the Killer (Koroshiya 1)".

Read the rest of this blog and other stories at Main Event of the Dead.com and determine if this thought process can be translated into a B-movie comedy about pro-wrestling 

Mercari - Ichi the Killer uncut 2disk sp edition


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