Drug Addicts > COVID Deniers
*Blog post was started on May 3, 2021.
Shut Up! Your Bitching Did Not Fall Upon Death Ears.
Was our laughter too loud? Are we not taking your threats seriously enough? That is an attitude prevalent in multiple portions of my life.
You have morons on Facebook who post about their pride in being morons. This is not the stupid, "Back the Blue" frames on profile pics. At least you have genuine paranoia behind those. Criminal justice reform means that there will be more criminals in society. If they were sent to jail, they must be dangerous.
If you are from a place of privilege, I suppose you just want to feel safe. If you lock up all the have nots, then there will be none of them to threaten to rob you. Criminal justice reform means that we are no longer trying to keep up that standard. The end of cash bail means criminals only become accused, so they can skirt the system. This means the world will be more dangerous if they cannot be put in their place.
Prison is a place where the privilege fail to acknowledge that further criminal behavior is learned there. Do they only enjoy "Shawshank" for the tale of perseverance? Do they ignore Andy discussing how he never did anything criminal until he was sent to prison?
say it is understandable paranoia, but anyone with a college degree who
spouts it is probably just a racist. The criminal justice system made
them feel like they were better than the downtrodden that were being
trapped by it. If they are doing wrong regardless that our society makes
it nearly impossible for them to survive on the straight and narrow,
they deserve to be put away. They must accept that they will never be
People who think like the prior paragraph will claim it is not racism. It is just what needs to be done. This makes me wish there were a heaven and hell just so the ultimate wrong doers get sent to their appropriate place. In the end, these assholes at least came up with a long con to get what they want. The morons that I want to talk about did not take the time to come up with their stance.
latest border I have seen on Facebook photos is "I would rather "poop
emoji" in my hand and clap twice than take the vaccine." This one I saw
was posted by a bartender from a bar in Peoria. At least I do not have
to follow the bar's Facebook page any longer. Who would want to go in to
a place that features people who promote unsafe work environments for
its patrons? It is like, you are advertising your C grade from the health department.
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Is it about individual freedom? It is an attitude of, "I want the freedom to make my own mistakes." I can appreciate that, but when it comes to not getting a vaccine for COVID-19, the mistake is one of the options when it comes to your choice. Not taking it means you are an idiot.
At least when you experiment with drugs, you can try to mitigate the risk. If you do heroin with other people, it is safer because in the event of an overdose, the others can take steps to rescue you from the mistake. When it comes to taking any substance to escape, you can figure out when/what your limits are and take actions to avoid making further mistakes.
And I will acknowledge, there are better choices than turning to drugs. They are definitely pricier if you have your vices under control or never had them to begin with. But, if you feel the need to tackle feelings and thoughts you cannot handle, you can find a therapist who is right for you. Perhaps I really need to do that, but I have got my blogs and podcast that make me do things to better myself.
My belief is that as long as I am working towards being the best me, I am dealing with my problems in a constructive matter. It is just more fun at times to treat myself with half of a fifth of vodka.
Not taking the vaccine is a bad decision on all fronts. I am putting myself at risk and just being vulnerable to the disease makes me a risk to others. Being told by the wise that I cannot enjoy something because I am putting myself or others at risk, how am I going to enjoy my life? Yet, having that attitude makes me a commie because I expect others to show compassion or self preservation. I am a communist because I believe that people cannot be trusted to act in the best interest of society. It is not because I care about my fellow human.
have the right not to be vaccinated and that is what makes this country
great." If failing to use your brain or care about other people, then
America is not that great. Education is a total failure. Just because we
have been saying that since Jim Crow does not mean we just need to
accept that.
"The vaccine was made to quickly." Right, so you would not have taken the polio vaccine the moment it was deemed safe. Things move a lot faster than they did in the 1940's. Time is relative, so I think it took the same amount of time when you examine this further.
We are not making kids take the vaccine. Was it not the fear of autism the reason that anti-vax movement became a thing? Anyone over 16 can only be retarded by blunt force trauma and post traumatic stress disorder. You are too old to call the vaccine dangerous.
The morons I admire are the ones who refuse to argue. Basically, they are the ones who would rather physically fight you instead of argue. Might equals right I suppose. If you kill the ones who are looking to avoid death, then you are right by default. If no one is around to call you a moron, then ignorance is truly bliss.
Sadly, these idiots need someone to cheer them on, so they turn to imaginary friends. These friends need stories to make them believable. That is how you get terrorism and WWE NXT referees.
Drake Wuertz is so fed up with having to concern himself with other people that he has gone off and said that COVID-19 was a hoax to allow for child trafficking. If we where masks, we cannot be identified. If kids are forced to wear masks, those who are kidnapped cannot be identified. Has this been a problem? That is irrelevant because it can be.
Why is his health solely his responsibility while teaching a child about stranger danger is the government's? It is supposed to be the responsibility of a government that he obviously does not trust. I suppose its god will as he says, so anyone who questions his logic is evil and wants to bugger his kid.
I suppose not wanting to get vaccinated is a clever means of having the government sponsor you. Drake Wuertz obviously does not care about the health and safety of the wrestlers whom he is responsible for, so he is no longer qualified for that job. If you do not care about other people's safety, you are not qualified to work in the service industry. You have to be concerned about the safety of others when you work in industry or entertainment.
anti-covid vaccines is the new mental handicap. It is true because
people refuse to acknowledge that you are not qualified to hold any job.
I guess the solution should be if you are not vaccinated, you cannot
govern. At least you have me acknowledging that I am not cancelling
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