
With NinetyforChill.com evolving into more than the rough draft blog for my primary blog, MainEventoftheDead.com needs a new place to test out the formatting of recent blogs. "Main Event of the Dead" is my screenplay about pro-wrestling and zombies. I have a movie website, so may as well have a wrestling site.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

I Miss 'Sunday Night Heat' & More of the Best Men's Doubles of All Time.

*Blog post started on September 30, 2021.

I Miss Sunday Night Heat & More of the Best Men's Doubles of All Time.

Professional wrestling eventually brought the excitement to my week. Where would the business be if it was not for AEW?

In Japan of course. I kind of wish it was that way just to justify my NJPW World subscription. The G1 Climax tournament's A Block has kept me busy the past week, but now that the schedule is picking up, I ponder how many shows that I am behind. At least the B Block being filled with matches that are easy to recall (Tanahashi vs. Okada), means I will not have much to catch up on.

I guess my problem with AEW being established (before the Forbidden Door was open) was that NJPW was the one stop for the best wrestling in the world. My blog "The Disgruntled's $200 Wrestling War and Its Current Champions" told you how expensive wrestling fandom is, provided you are not an Xfinity customer. That price point was wrong because I did not include the approximately $10 a month for access to NJPW. But with all their gaijins moving back stateside, is NJPW now in the same boat WWE is? Do I really only need the service for Wrestle Kingdom?

The answer is that I need more friends who think the WWE is the end all be all. That way, I could just pull up some classic Okada and Great Muta to see if the reluctant can be saved. It is a lot easier than pulling out my indie DVDs.

Well, I say it is easier, but the lack of streaming apps and the joys of WiFi can make using Chromecast a chore.

Of course, the last person I was trying to sell that there was better wrestling beyond Vince McMahon's narrative was the most insecure asshole in Morton, Illinois. I knew that guy for 30 years before I had enough of his bullshit, so it maybe wise not to let people like that into my life. A WWE preference may be a red flag.

How can you even have a WWE preference now? After AEW established that you can run for two years and only have two disqualifications on TV, how can anyone support a promotion with a DQ finish and a ring malfunction that determined the outcome of you main event. At least AEW waits till the action had concluded to leave the crowd questioning their television production.

Jungle Boy versus Adam Cole and Sammy Guevara capturing the TNT Championship gave us the excitement that WWE withheld from us. With that said, is Sammy Guevara not only the TNT Champion, but the holder of the DRCW OCHO Championship?

The 154th and Current DRCW OCHO Champion:
(WWE and IWGP United States, Intercontinental, National, X Division, Television, North American, TNT)
AEW TNT Champion Sammy Guevara.

The TNT Championship is the premier secondary title because we know that it will be defended most often. Unless WWE goes back to having secondary shows for their brands, there is no time for four titles over two hours. If they had "Heat" and "Velocity", they would have championships that would be the focus of a brand's extra hour. They would also be able to use all the talent they have. I think it is the only way to justify maintaining the brand split.

Fox owns Tubi. Give the platform a show (Samantha Bee has made it clear there is no reason to know of the app, unless you have a movie podcast that requires a source of films to binge.). You just need to tolerate the conservative commercials and you can have your own podcast like the excellent "NinetyForChill.com - The Podcast".


Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Prepping for the #Podcast for #October: Don't Go in the House

 *Blog post was started on September 29, 2021.

I am doing my best to enjoy these slow times at the bank. With Republicans threatening to let this country default on its debts me technically being a government contractor, it is more important than ever to enjoy every moment. 

That is definitely tricky when your mom has to be COVID-free to head to London this weekend. It is bad enough that I have not heard any news on what the bank will do about the unvaccinated who surround me for nine hours a day. My visit this past weekend had hopes of checking out the Peoria bar scene, but that kind of exposure could ruin my mom's next three weeks. I would never here the end of that.

Which is why I need help from my readers and friends. "NinetyForChill.com - The Podcast" needs guests and I need something to keep me inside. For October, the natural thing to do is to focus on horror movies and I will acknowledge, my experience with many of the slasher franchises is lacking. Almost all the franchises have at least one feature that clocks in between 74 and 99 minutes. If you want to be my expert, send an email to russthebus07@gmail.com and we can set up a time for a Zoom meeting. Each episode needs to be recorded by Sunday before the Tuesday that it is to be released. Thanks.

If you cannot be a guest, I am still in need of suggestions for horror features to watch. Which Jason and Freddy flicks are worth the time. Are there any good "Halloween" sequels beyond "2", "H2O" and "2018"? Are "Child's Play" and "Seed of Chucky" all I need to know where the cool doll-based gore is because last night, I went for a "Video Nasty". Unfortunately, it sure felt like the UK cut of "Don't Go in the House".

Don't Go in the House (1979)

Check out the rest of review at "Ninety For Chill: A More Acceptable Runtimes

Monday, September 27, 2021

Double Feature: It Came from Another World! (2007) and Teenagers from Outer Space (1959)

These movie reviews' first drafts were written in 2010.

It Came from Another World! - Full Stops Should Not Be Part of a Title

Irony is so easily abused. Just because you can make a perfect recreation of a 50s' sci-fi flick, does not mean you should. "It Came from Another World!" forgets that parody and homage are two totally different things.

Check out the rest of review at "Ninety For Chill: A More Acceptable Runtimes

Teenagers from Outer Space - A Wasted Porno Concept

Horror/sci-fi guru Lord Blood-Rah asked the crowd to get drunk for the second half of the September 28, 2010 edition of the Drunken Zombie Deadly Double Feature because he claimed "Teenagers from Outer Space" maybe the worst film ever made. I was left pondering if he had ever seen "Manos: The Hands of Fate" or anything from Coleman Francis's filmography.

Looking back at this review 11 years later, I think I must have taken the Lord's advice. This review must have been written at the screening because I have no recollection of this experience.

Check out the rest of review at "Ninety For Chill: A More Acceptable Runtimes

Friday, September 24, 2021

WWE "Allegedly" Paying Google Off and a Brief Men's Doubles Installment

*Blog post was started on September 23, 2021.

It has been a slow week. I was debating if I should put another movie review from my 2010 notebook, but if we can keep it more wrestling themed for Disgruntled's Real Championship Wrestling, that is the more appropriate way to go.

This means I should get back to the Unified Gnarly Men's Doubles Championship title lineage. It was kind of disappointing that I could not declare that when I listed the current champions in The Disgruntled's $200 Wrestle War.

And I will say, after Sting and Darby Allin defeated FTR last night at Grand Slam Dynamite, the doubles scene may become more interesting than the tag team. Tony Khan is a mark, so would it not be cool to have Sting immortalized with your brand?

The Bloodline is not really doing anything with the belts on Smackdown while Randy Orton and Riddle need to at least be kept busy. Here is to hoping Omos is still too green to break from A.J. Styles.

Speaking of slow, Blogger is having difficulty even proccessing the list. Is WWE paying attention to my lack of repsect towards Roman Reigns that they are paying Google off to prevent my influence on the Internet Wrestling Community? I should tag all those conservative assholes just to show them how to come up with a feasible conspiracy.


Bleacher Report - WWE
Bleacher Report - WWE

The Unified Gnarly Men's Double World Championship

The 92nd Unified Gnarly Men's Doubles World Champions:
WWE Unified World Tag Team Champions
The 93rd Unified Gnarly Men's Doubles World Champions:
TNA World Tag Team Champions
Doug Williams and Brutus Magnus (b.k.a. Nick Aldis) (12/13/2009 to 1/17/2010)

Everyone wants to think of D-Generation X as a tag team, or at least Triple H does. Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards were essentially what the Rockers should have been after their break up.

The 94th Unified Gnarly Men's Doubles World Champions:
TNA World Tag Team Champions
and Hernandez (1/17/10 to 4/5/10)Matt Morgan

The 95th Unified Gnarly Men's Doubles World Champions:
WWE Unified World Tag Team Champions
and The Big Show (3) (4/5/10 to 4/26/10) The Miz

Matt Morgan and Hernandez split while champions.

The 96th Unified Gnarly Men's Doubles World Champions:
GHC Tag Team Champions
and Bison Smith (4/26/10 to 9/10/10)Keith Walker

Both of these gents need to be recognized because Smith was not too much longer for this world and the reign ended because Walker chose to lose his job to pay his respects to his father.
The Hart Dynasty were the WWE Tag Team Champions. Ring of Honor was under the reign of the Kings of Wrestling. Yujiro Takahashi and Tetsuyo Naito were the IWGP champions, but having been IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions prior to this, I would consider them to be a team instead of a set of doubles.
The 97th Unified Gnarly Men's Doubles World Champions:
Open the Twin Gate Champions
K-ness and Susumu Yokosuka (9/10/10 to 11/23/10)

Keith Walker was one-half of the NWA Champions, but the lenght of The Skullkrushers' reign indicated too much chemistry. The IWGP's Bad Intentions (Giant Bernard and Karl Anderson) would have a 500+ day reign, so again, to close. The Motor City Machine Guns were on top of TNA.

The 98th Unified Gnarly Men's Doubles World Champions:
WWE Tag Team Champions

The title returns to the States in this lineage because WWE is about to go into a dead period when it comes to actual teams being champions. Gabriel and Slater were the go to "team" for the Nexus/Corre, but that is a case of creative has nothing for them.

The 99th Unified Gnarly Men's Doubles World Champions:
WWE Tag Team Champions
Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov (12/6/2010 to 2/20/2011)
The 100th Unified Gnarly Men's Doubles World Champions:
WWE Tag Team Champions
Justin Gabriel (2) and Heath Slater (2) (2/20/11 to  2/21/11)
The 101st Unified Gnarly Men's Doubles World Champions:
WWE Tag Team Champions
and The Miz (2) (2/21/11)John Cena (2)

The 102nd Unified Gnarly Men's Doubles World Champions:
WWE Tag Team Champions
Justin Gabriel (3) and Heath Slater (3) (2/20/11 to  2/21/11)