
With NinetyforChill.com evolving into more than the rough draft blog for my primary blog, MainEventoftheDead.com needs a new place to test out the formatting of recent blogs. "Main Event of the Dead" is my screenplay about pro-wrestling and zombies. I have a movie website, so may as well have a wrestling site.

Friday, July 17, 2020

The Lack of an AEW Narrative and The Disgruntled's Real Women's World Champion Part 4.

*List started being comprised on 6/24/20. Intro started on 7/16/20

Can I blame the lack of views on the rollback of COVID-19 the lockdown? The liberal in me says yes, but I cannot say that I am suffering when it comes to viewership. With the amount of Twitter followers and Facebook friends, my view rate is definitely the same as the virus's death rate. This seems to indicate that I am in a morbid mood does it not?

If anything, hustling to make sure I end up ahead of the bills with the specter of being left to my own devise/demise financially has been weighing on me. That was addressed in my "Silent Running" review, so I should not linger on it. I think I am good through August, but as insurance, going back to blonde is not in the cards. Unfortunately, the lack of three-check months is indicating that I will probably not be settled into my new place like my parents hoped. Hence, letting them know that I am trying to enjoy life is not in the cards.

The trick will be avoiding my iTunes account. You cannot say many good things about COVID-19, but for an impulsive cinephile, the lack of new movies to own is not a bad thing. Yeah, if a Coen Brothers film goes on sale or "Aquaman" is offered at $7.99 or less, impulses may get the best of me (To my credit, I have resisted buying "The Ladykillers".). To get a new post out Monday, I will need to watch a 90-minute movie at some point this weekend. That, YouTube, and video games (provided the cats allow me time in the gaming chair), not flaunting my current resources should work out.

Provided Olly Davis from "WrestleTalk" will not be ranting about the lack of attention given to the AEW Women's Division. I do not want to lose any of my current means of amusement. YouTube is for better wrestling content than WWE, not negativity.

They have injuries and travel restrictions. If they could have two matches a show, they would. It is not like it is a good time to hire if you are avoiding coronavirus lay offs. But I will acknowledge that they could be making stars out of some of the developmental talent to add some depth. Without that depth, firstly, I would not have had a segue to get from the doldrums of my life to the meat of the blog, and secondly, WWE gets to claim to have a Real World Champion. It sucks when the narrative does not turn out the way you want it to.

The 43rd Disgruntled's Real Women's World Champion:
Stardom's Toni Storm (4/10/18 to 6/9/18)
WWE has just done an awful job with the women's Money in the Bank cash ins. Twice, they have happened on the same night. That accounts for half of the star-making moments. From 2005 to 2016, a man cashing in on the same night has only occurred twice. No one on the Internet (I think we can all call the IWC disgruntled.) wants to recognize Nia Jax's success. Toni Storm would go on to win the Mae Young Classic in 2018, so she is definitely an adequate place holder in the Real Women's World championship lineage.

The 44th Disgruntled's Real Women's World Champion:
Stardom's Kagetsu (6/9/18 to 5/4/2019)
This is what happens when you are determined to have a celebrity headline WrestleMania. Alexa Bliss may deserve a spot on this title history, but she won her third Raw Women's Championship with a Money in the Bank cash in just to show how dominant an MMA champion can be. Fans eventually ended up despising Ronda Rousey which was definitely not WWE's plan.

The 45th Disgruntled's Real Women's World Champion:
WWE Raw and Smackdown Women's Champion Becky Lynch (5/4/19 to 5/10/2020)
Winning the belt on the grandest stage and having the first year long reign since Io Shirai as the 40th gets you a spot on this list. On top of that, she was not beaten for the Raw portion of her double championship, and the second championship was lost in a two-match night.

The 46th Disgruntled's Real Women's World Champion:
Smackdown's Bayley (5/10/20 to at least 7/19/20)
Pinterest - Dontiel English
I cancelled the WWE Network after the BAR wrestling cease and desist order (That seems like the wrong hill to die on now, but how much Saudi blood money intake can a Newcastle United fan tolerate.) so I do not have an idea when the next pay-per-view defense will be (By the time this blog is posted, I have figured it out.). Since she has the tag team championship to focus on (losing), it would be surprising to see her not take the belt into SummerSlam.

The AEW Championship is only nine days older than when this reign started (10/11/20). Riho ran through the division before losing the title to Nyla Rose (whom she technically won it by defeating) in February. Unfortunately the COVID-19 pandemic left Rose of television, so she did not have the defenses to say she was better than the Smackdown champion who was four months into her reign. Asuka was awarded the Raw championship when Lynch forfeited the belt to take pregnancy leave. Another misuse of the Money in the Bank briefcase.

In the end, it is really based on preference. Do you want women's or joshi-style wrestling? AEW focusing on the latter is not the tradition casual wrestling fans are use to.

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