
With NinetyforChill.com evolving into more than the rough draft blog for my primary blog, MainEventoftheDead.com needs a new place to test out the formatting of recent blogs. "Main Event of the Dead" is my screenplay about pro-wrestling and zombies. I have a movie website, so may as well have a wrestling site.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Paul Heyman and The Disgruntled's Real Secondary Championship Part 2

*List comprised on July 10, 2020. Intro started on July 24, 2020.

With all my side blogs like Disgruntled's Real Championship Wrestling and NinetyForChill.com, I felt the need to put out three sets of blogs a week. Maybe I just want to have my definitive version of my Vince McMahon's "Mein Kampf" is 1989's "No Holds Barred" blog done with. Maybe I felt I needed an excuse for @maineventzombie to tweet promote an extra day a week. Whatever reason, I think it is starting to show a lack of depth in my life.

It may not be a depth issue. Perhaps I am just not as clever as I think I am. If you cannot say it with wit, should you really say it?

Twitter is my own worse enemy because if it can be said in 140 characters, does it deserve a blog? I have actually never had the nerve to that directly, so at least I know what I should do next blog intro. But enough about me, this is suppose to be about the best of the second best. Let us continue with the title history of the Disgruntled's Real Double Championship.

Please allow me one more aside. After watching "Dave Know Wrestlings" Top 8 Picks for a New J-Crown Championship, I am hoping that we might reach that number of titles in for the grand secondary championship. Imagine the fantasy booking blogs that could be had. It may be time for me to just invest in that green screen and start a new YouTube channel.

The 16th Disgruntled's Real Double (Intercontinental/United States) Champion:

WWF Intercontinental Champion Bret Hart (1) - August 26, 1991 to January 17, 1992

The 17th Disgruntled's Real Double Champion:
WWF Intercontinental Champion The Mountie - 1/17/92 to 1/19/92
Lex Luger was not as talented a worker as Jacques Rougeau despite his reign was going to culminate with him winning the WCW World Championship. Rougeau's victory was used to build up the WrestleMania 8 match between Roddy Piper and Bret Hart. In a sense, this further appreciated the championship's value.

The 18th Disgruntled's Real Double Champion:
WWF Intercontinental Champion Roddy Piper - 1/19/92 to 4/5/92

The 19th Disgruntled's Real Double Champion:
WWF Intercontinental Champion Bret Hart (2) - 4/5/92 to 8/29/92

The 20th Disgruntled's Real Double Champion:
WWF Intercontinental Champion Davey Boy Smith - 8/29/92 to 11/14/92

The 21st Disgruntled's Real Double Champion:
WWF Intercontinental Champion Shawn Michaels (1) - 11/14/92 to 5/17/1993

The 22nd Disgruntled's Real Double Champion:
WWF Intercontinental Champion Marty Jannetty - 5/17/93 to 6/6/93
The WCW United States Champion was Dustin Rhodes. I believe most would consider him to be more worthy of his title, but he was awarded the title after the previous champ, Rick Rude, needed to vacate the title due to injury. Rhodes would also have his title reign held up after a non-finish.

The 23rd Disgruntled's Real Double Champion:
WWF Intercontinental Champion Shawn Michaels (2) - 6/6/93 to 9/27/93

The 24th Disgruntled's Real Double Champion:
WCW United States Champion Dustin Rhodes - 9/27/93 to 12/27/93
Shawn Michaels was stripped of the official IC championship after getting popped for steroids. Rhodes had finally resolved his issues with Rude, so the US Championship was finally settled.

The 25th Disgruntled's Real Double Champion:
WCW United States Champion Steve Austin - 12/27/93 to 8/24/94
This reign ends up with this title history excluding the WrestleMania 10 ladder match, but I feel the IC title had strayed away from work rate. Razor Ramon would unify the IC belts only to lose it to Diesel who needed credibility since he was to be the big guy to replace the less physically impressive the promotion World Champions they would had.

The 26th Disgruntled's Real Double Champion:
WCW United States Champion Ricky Steamboat (2) - 8/24/94 to 9/18/94

The 27th Disgruntled's Real Double Champion:
WWF Intercontinental Champion Razor Ramon - 9/18/94 to 1/22/1995
Steamboat was injured and Austin was awarded the US title as a result.


The 28th Disgruntled's Real Triple-Crown Champion:
ECW World Television Champion Dean Malenko (1) - 1/22/95 to 3/21/95
The US Championship would be vacated for an angle (or because the champ Vader was heading to New York). Jeff Jarrett would have his IC Championship reign held up for a week to build a brief angel with Sparkplug Holly. Malenko would set the standard for work rate from his ECW run forward. And of course, with Rob Van Dam in 1998 beginning a 700-day reign that overshadowed the ECW World Championship, this belt cannot be ignored in terms of secondary championships.

The number of vacancies between of the WWF IC and WCW US championships from 1/22/95 to 3/4/00: 11. The number of vacancies for the ECW TV Championship: 0. Here are some highlights from this era of the ECW TV Championship.

3-Time Triple-Crown Champion: 2 Cold Scopio

2-Time Triple-Crown Champion(s): Dean Malenko, Eddie Guerrero, and Shane Douglass
This championship featured the Malenko/Guerrero series. In New York and Atlanta, Razor Ramon regained the IC championship at the expense of Shane "Dean" Douglass because Shawn Michaels was beaten up by a marine. WCW claimed the One Man Gang was the champion despite NJPW telling a different story.

Triple-Crown Champions: Pitbul #2, and Chris Jericho
Along with 2 Cold Scorpio and Shane Douglass, these two provided us with the best four-way elimination match in a major promotion (sorry WrestleMania 2000).

Triple-Crown Champion: Taz
This was a three-minute match that had everyone glued to the edge of their seat. Taz defeated Douglass after losing a match to career-long nemesis Sabu.

Triple-Crown Champion: Bam Bam Bigelow
The eventual ECW World Champion was involved in the best/first exploding ring spot. I think WWE reserves the idea for primary championships.

Triple-Crown Champion: Mikey Whipwreck
It was the shortest of his two ECW Television Champion reign. The only flaw was that 2 Cold Scorpio did not work well as a dominant heavyweight for the underdog to defeat. Both Scorpio's TV and Tag Team Championship were on the line, so this was a way too not have him and The Sandman pull double duty to close out 1995.

The 42nd Disgruntled's Real Triple-Crown Champion:
ECW World Television Champion Rob Van Dam - 4/4/98 to 3/4/2000
The man was poised to eventually unify the title with the ECW World Championship after his near two-year of defeating every talent, babyface and heel, the promotion had to offer. It could have made the ECW World Championship more valuable if he had been defeated by Mike Awesome. In victory, no one could dispute him as the best in the world. Too bad an injury took over this tale.

When Paul Heyman stated that the closest buyer of ECW was Disney, you begin to hate what wrestling will end up becoming. Perhaps they would have to tone it down for ESPN (Just make E stand for ESPN), but there would have at least been television and more importantly the ECW TV Championship. If the original incarnation of ECW could book three titles per hour, why could not a McMahon? Well, "the invasion" is coming, so get the precursor to "brands" screwing everything up.

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