
With NinetyforChill.com evolving into more than the rough draft blog for my primary blog, MainEventoftheDead.com needs a new place to test out the formatting of recent blogs. "Main Event of the Dead" is my screenplay about pro-wrestling and zombies. I have a movie website, so may as well have a wrestling site.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Buffalo Toast and the Disgruntled's Real Tag Team Champions: Part 2

*Blog written on January 27, 2020.

As long as there is an NXT show ahead of a WWE show, the wrestling weekend should be a good one. Successfully finding a way to get a free month of the WWE Network makes it a great weekend.

Working an opening shift on Saturday at my day job, followed by a closing at my retail job did not leave me with much of a weekend. I also felt it was necessary to get my accountant (Dad) the rest of my tax stuff because I may not be getting a day off until President's day, thus, Sunday's itinerary was filled. In the end, watching wrestling into the wee early hours, working an 11-hour day, and three hours of driving can be remedied by a couple cups of coffee. The shit we have at the day job is painful to swig, but pain lets you know you are alive.

This week, I better get to looking at potential new domiciles. When I was showing the better quarter (Eva the Cat will always get half) how to prepare the bed, the thought of just skipping the bullshit of moving again came to mind. While we were eating dinner with my folks, it seemed my dad was disappointed that I was planning to put another U-Haul at risk (Always get the insurance on a box truck. They are aware that only those with a CDL should drive them). It was either that or my dad was disappointed that I wanted to get my own place. The girlfriend should be glad he cares.

Will I miss her more often than not with my own place, probably, but I do not see me living with her forever. Perhaps I learned that cats will be my only cohabitants. Roommates are like Targaryens. The Gods flip a coin.

She obviously is not as bad as it sounds. I am a control freak with obsessive compulsive disorder. It has just been impossible for me to get comfortable with someone who does not need order. Or someone who cannot (will not) suggest ways on how to maintain my daily Buffalo-style resolution. Would it be weird to ask for Frank's Red Hot at a Cracker Barrell?

My solution to get to day 27 or 365 was to spread it on toast. It worked out all right. If I was going to make a grilled chicken sandwich, I am definitely going to spread it on the buns. And now I just made my habit kinky. Good thing I am writing about male champions. That prevents me of from justifying certain Diva champions by thinking of...

18th Real World Tag Team Champions:
NWA/WCW's Doom (Ron Simmons and Butch Reed) - 10/30/1990 to 2/24/91
The Rockers (Marty Jannetty and Shawn Michaels) were/did win the WWF titles, but because the match was not fit to air due to a rope breaking during it. The victory was voided despite the Rockers defending the championships until then. Why they were less fit to lose to the "Hogan Knows Best" punchlines is beyond me?

19th Real World Tag Team Champions:
WCW's Fabulous Freebirds (Jimmy Garvin and Michael Hayes) - 2/24/91 to 3/9/91
Technically, the Freebirds lost the belt on February 18 in a TV taping that to aired after they won the belts. I suppose we have to admire Ole Anderson for sticking to his format.

20th Real World Tag Team Champions:
WCW's Steiner Brothers (Rick and Scott) - 3/9/91 to 7/20/91

21st Real World Tag Team Champions:
WWF's Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs and Jerry Sags): 7/20/91 to 8/26/91
The Steiners had to vacate their titles due to a legitimate injury to Scott. It leaves me pondering since WWF doubted their championship, but Knobbs and Sags end up being the top guys any how, were WCW's title holders more worthy that the Hart Foundation. Since I am a primarily disgruntled at Vince McMahon, Yes! Yes! Yes!

22nd Real World Tag Team Champions:
WWF's Legion of Doom (2) [Hawk and Animal]: 8/26/91 to 2/7/92

23rd Real World Tag Team Champions:
WWF's Money Inc. (IRS and Ted DeBiase): 2/7/92 to 7/20/92

24th Real World Tag Team Champions:
WWF's Natural Disasters (Typhoon and Earthquake): 7/20/92 to 10/13/92

25th Real World Tag Team Champions:
WWF's Money Inc. (2): 10/13/92 to 6/14/93
This may have been the peak of these tag team titles since they were essentially defended in the co-main event of a WrestleMania. After this, the title will be changing hands on back-to-back nights, via disqualification, and eventually centered around the Kliq.

26th Real World Tag Team Champions:
NWA/WCW Unified Champions: The Hollywood Blonds (Steve Austin and Brian Pillman) - 6/14/93 to 8/18/93

28th Real World Tag Team Champions:
NWA/WCW Unified Champions: The Four Horsemen (2) (Arn Anderson and Paul Roma) - 8/18/93 to 9/13/93
Two tag team specialist defeating the most underrated duo in pro-wrestling for two world titles. The last two reigns along with the inaugural champions being Steve Williams and Terry Gordy may make the NWA's new championship a world title.

29th Real World Tag Team Champions:
WWF's Quebecers (Jacques Rougeau and Pierre Carl Ouellet) - 9/13/93 to 1/10/94
Alright, this is a taste concern on my behalf. When the Nasty Boys regained the WCW championships, they would trade it with a team the booker backed off on (2 Cold Scorpio and Marcus Alexander "Buff" Bagwell) and a make shift team including the booker (Kevin Sullivan and Cactus Jack). The latter formula was how I lost two of my championships in Peoria. The Quebecers on the other hand were involved in setting up one of the two main event storylines for WrestleMania (Bret Hart versus Owen Hart).

30th Real World Tag Team Champions:
WWF's 1-2-3 Kid and Marty Jannetty (1/10/94-1/17/94)
The Quebecers one week off as champions was used to place the seed that the Harts were the favorites in their match at the Royal Rumble.

31st Real World Tag Team Champions:
WWF's Quebecers (2) - 1/17/94 to 3/29/94

32nd Real World Tag Team Champions:
ECW's Public Enemy (Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge) - 3/29/94 to 8/27/94
I thought this may be to soon to include Extreme Championship Wrestling into this list, but this pairing was probably the most over in wrestling at the time. They had to defend these titles in the most difficult of matches and brought us the table match. It also helps that they were the de facto face of the promotion, so all the other promoters had to take note (and then write them off TV).

33rd Real World Tag Team Champions:
WCW's Pretty Wonderful (Paul Roma and Paul Orndorff) - 8/27/94 to 9/25/94
It is great to see one of the greatest tag team specialist with a belt WWF never gave him along side a guy who did not get the main event push from the WWF that he deserved.

34th Real World Tag Team Champions:
ECW's Cactus Jack and Mikey Whipwreck - 9/25/94 to 11/5/94
These are two of the performers that inspired me to break into professional wrestling, but to say at this time that Whipwreck was on the level of the two guys named Paul would be a stretch. I will say that this combination was better than Bagwell and The Patriot, and I will not expect many arguments.

Sometimes you just have to wait for your time to come and do what you do best. Hell, I would be making $300 bucks a weekend if I would have found some better meds or had emotional support, but this is not about why I am disgruntled, it is about the champions.

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