
With NinetyforChill.com evolving into more than the rough draft blog for my primary blog, MainEventoftheDead.com needs a new place to test out the formatting of recent blogs. "Main Event of the Dead" is my screenplay about pro-wrestling and zombies. I have a movie website, so may as well have a wrestling site.

Friday, September 4, 2020

Imagine We Still Had VHS - Samurai Champloo - Volume 1

My best suicidal tweet/Facebook status update did not end up being a tweet. This was on a flip phone when I would text Twitter to post. Too bad my phonebook was organized in a way that put Mom's number next to Twitter's. The text went something like this:
I wish my cat had opposable thumbs so that she could be my second so I could commit seppuku. She could take off my head after the disembowelment.

Mom was a little freaked out, but seemed to appreciate the drama behind it. When you take in my last ten years or my 2005/2006 into consideration, I wonder if she understood ritual suicide to restore honor. I never knew she watched so much samurai-related programming. Was "Kill Bill" enough for her to get it?

She does not get Quentin Tarantino, that is for sure. His admiration for urban culture in the arts and relating to them via the concept of ACAB is something she will not get behind. The moment he stated that, Mom has refused watch any of his films. The woman just refuses to understand the power of great art. If she did, maybe I could expose her to "Afro Samurai" (She loves Samuel L. Jackson's Capital One ads.) or the far superior "Samurai Champloo".

Samurai Champloo - Episodes 1 - 4

Check out the rest of this critique at AnimeRuss.blogspot.com - For those curious about anime but hate the geeks

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