
With NinetyforChill.com evolving into more than the rough draft blog for my primary blog, MainEventoftheDead.com needs a new place to test out the formatting of recent blogs. "Main Event of the Dead" is my screenplay about pro-wrestling and zombies. I have a movie website, so may as well have a wrestling site.

Friday, July 31, 2020

"Willow" - Can We Get a LucasFilm Remake?

*Blog post started on July 30, 2020.

It is payday and I am doing alright. When I fell asleep the previous night with no "medications", things must be getting better. Sadly, my Jedi practice is slacking. There is a set of medical appointments, so I am thinking to the future. And there has not been a good morning to check my blood sugars.
You just have to remember to be self confident. There is always a way to overcome, just be calm and follow through.

Ya panic in your head.  Ya give yourself a couple a seconds of panic, then you get a grip and deal with the situation. "Reservoir Dogs" via Script Slug.com.

If Steve Buscemi's Mr. Pink is a little too extreme to act like how about Billy Barty in letting us know the magic resides in us? That sounds like a line you would see in a movie directed by Richie Cunningham. But now I cannot help but ponder what Quentin Tarantino's "Willow" would look like. I would take that as his 10th and final film.

Before I review the way too ahead of its time feature, just a thought from @catbusruss:

Watching Ron Howard's "Willow". Love the huge cast of little people, but I wonder. Did Jim Henson create the Muppets to eliminate the need for the Hollywood dwarf?

Willow (1988)

Read the rest of this blog and other stories at Main Event of the Dead.com and determine if this thought process can be translated into a B-movie comedy about pro-wrestling 

The Current Disgruntled's Real World Championships & Trademark Inspiration

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

There Was Never a McMahon WCW: The Disgruntled's Real Secondary Champion Part 3.

*This portion of the title history was completed on 7/21/20.
Intro was written on 7/28/20.

I did not expect to have so much time to write this week, but when you wake up with the alarm and a coworker comes back from lunch late, the time to catch up with Wrestletalk was not there. Thus, there are no dirt sheets that I want to wade through at work to justify finding a new channel to fill in my YouTube viewings.

What does my YouTube channel list look like right now?

  • All Elite Wrestling
  • Being the Elite
  • Dave Knows Wrestling
  • Outside Xbox
  • Outside Extra
  • Ozzy Man Reviews
  • What Culture Movies
  • What Culture Gaming
  • What Culture Wrestling
  • Watch Mojo
I end up watching a bit of MMA on Point, but the shots they take at wrestling will not allow me to  subscribe in good conscience.

There are definitely better things to do with my free time. I still have two episodes of "The Mandalorian" to watch. My TV on physical media collection is vast. After zoning out of New Japan World because of the delays it took getting English commentary, Puroresu is another thing I have been slacking on.

Mayhaps my new living arrangement is too comfy. Both kitties can now cuddle with me in the living room. The cats prevent me from playing video games because they like the dome chair I bought to do that in. With a twin bed in the living room, be it booze or pot, it is easy to relax. Which is good because if I stay up to late, the demons that I have been fighting all of my adult life want to have a group therapy session. I am not quite the "present day" William from "Westworld: Season 3" in that scenario.

Having too much trivial stuff to focus on is probably a good thing. The only problem is obviously not wanting to self medicate all the time. I will acknowledge. I should do more screenplay/teleplay work, but when you think about movies and wrestling all the time, do I want that to take up anymore of my time?

So the answer is writing partner. A different person with their own ideas that I can throw my wit at would be a huge help. If you need further inspiration to join up with me, feel free to ask for a treatment of "Main Event of the Dead", my indie pro-wrestlers versus zombie B-movie script. My email is russthebus07@gmail.com.

Now, lets get to the wrestling that I have written about recently.

The 43rd Disgruntled's Real Triple-Crown Champion (WWE Intercontinental/WWE United States/ECW Television):

On this date in WWF history (Mar. 7): Kurt Angle makes his television debut on 'Sunday Night HEAT'
On this date in WWF history (Mar. 7)

WWF Eurocontinental Champion Kurt Angle (3/4/2000 to 4/2/2000)

This is the most legitimate of the three champions who held both the WWF Intercontinental and WWF European Championships (D'Lo Brown who won his European Championship from Mideon and Intercontinental Championship from Jeff Jarrett to in turn lose both title to Jarrett who awarded the European title to Mark Henry like Shane McMahon awarded that title to Mideon). He lost each individual championship on the same night without being defeated, so in essence, there was a chance the European Championship could have become a secondary title.

The 44th Disgruntled's Real Triple-Crown Champion:
WWF Intercontinental Champion Chris Benoit (1) (4/2/00 to 5/2/00)
Chris Jericho was the man who won the European Championship at WrestleMania, but lost it the next night to Eddie Guerrero. To further place the Euro title as tertiary, Jericho went on to feud over the IC title after that.

The 45th Disgruntled's Real Triple-Crown Champion:
WWF Intercontinental Champion Chris Jericho (2) (5/2/00 to 5/8/00)
It was an unnecessary week reign, but not a silly one. Scott Steiner had recently won the US Championship after the infamous vacation of all WCW championships by Eric Bischoff and Vince Russo only to vacate it himself for a kayfabe reason the same night Russo screwed Hogan. Rhyno had finally obtained the ECW Television title, but if we look to the future, Benoit is the more highly regarded PERFORMER.

The 46th Disgruntled's Real Triple-Crown Champion:
WWF Intercontinental Champion Chris Benoit (2) (5/8/00 to 6/20/00)

It Is Not the WWE Universe. It Is the WWE Black Hole.

The thought came to mind that it may have been better to call WWE a pit and go on a "Game of Thrones'" "The Ladder" tribute, but with the current main event picture, there's no figurative ladder to base it on.

So I have (had) a friend who insist that I will watch WrestleMania 31. My manager has just been informed of my availability the week of March 29, so the gauntlet has been thrown down.

Did Vince just want to out do the NFL when in comes to dropping name...portions? I did not want to say name dropping, but since Mr. Stewart dropped the surname Leibowitz, the pun is unavoidable. My suggestion is that with Super Bowl 50 dropping the Roman numerals for the simple Arabic version (how soon till they're renamed "Freedom Numbers"), the McMahons decided that they don't even need numbers to be the bigger event. They feel they can do it with unhappy fans and main event talent, so why would they need numbers?

I am amazed I was able to actually make that tangent mean something. It indicates the lack of attention the WWE constantly shows which will probably result in their subscriptions never topping one million. This is not a statement that should indicate they will not gain new consumers for this product, but their arrogance will keep turning fans like myself off, so they have hit their ceiling.

Unless it is the new babysitter (if I interpreted my friend, who has a son named Christian Blade's usage usage). A babysitter with the voice of Brian Pillman. How many adults actually set parental controls on their Xbox?

If you think I am being ridiculous at all, I am not being very good at it. If this was a display of ridiculousness, it would probably hurt the interest in my pro-wrestling zombie-comedy "Main Event of the Dead." So let me insist that you request a treatment of the screenplay by e-mailing russthebus07@gmail.com for proof of that my ridiculous capabilities are worthy of some promotion (promotional suggestions would be greatly appreciated).

It may also discredit the nature of my series of "No Holds Barred" at the Rip 'Em System Tublr. When are the "Wrestling Compadres," going to do their NHB-themed episode that they promised? With the crap that is going down in the five-week build for Mania, surely that is more interesting (we know they'll drop the ball at least one Monday [Wiz Khalifa]).

Netflix is a product that offers something for all 300-million citizens of this country, and they only have 10 million subscribers. If anything, I should credit the McMahons that they have one million subscribers when their audience is only a 100th of the other over-the-top services. Still, the Network is further evidence of the family's arrogance. All it really is a claim of "FIRSTIES!"

But what I claim to be arrogance may be a failure to understand how economics determine quality. I am hoping this is my friend's stance for being a member of the WWE Universe. He has a BS in Econ. Let the following recollection of his attempt to inform me that I cannot resist the gravitational pull of the Universe.

I think it's not a universe, but a black hole.

"You really cancelled?" my friend.

"Yeah. Can't support a lousy product that refuses to try and retain the dissatisfied."

"I think you've received more than enough to be satisfied with the year of service."

"I was only paying $7.99 for their video library (WWE Classics of Demand). I paid for the Royal Rumble, and they didn't give me a free month for dealing with it."

"I liked the Rumble."

He must have selectively remembered his support for my shouts for the guy with the Colt Big Head to assault Reigns as he walked to the ring.

And why did they give away a free month to new customers as they told me I could get out of my commitment after that month?"

"But it's the best wrestling product."

"No, it's the most accessible. Real fans will travel."

"You've never invited me to."

"Yes, I have. The last time I went to Chicago."

It may have been a good thing he did not come along, I would not want to imagine his sobriety by the time Ethan Page versus DJ Z went down to say found it.

"I'm not going to Chicago."

"Well Chicago gives me the bootleg tapes so that I can do without the Network. And Hulu gets all of NXT. What can WWE offer to beat "William Regal in World of Sport' or "Hogan in Japan?"

"Just accept the product."

"What was the best picture of 2014?"

(expecting "Guardians of the Galaxy" or "The Winter Soldier").

"I don't know...'Birdman'."

I feared that my argument that he mistakes accessibility with quality would be shot down (Despite "Guardians" was awesome [How can a movie with a crew of only Han Solos not be?]).

"And it was because..."

"But Howard Stern says it sucked?"

So quality may not be equated to accessibility, but solely based on what's been established.

"Does Howard have any film criticism credentials? I at least have been directed by instructors to write."

"But he's smart."

"I don't question that, but..."

"Well, I gotta go, but you know my birthday is coming up, and you know what my girlfriend says she'll get me...so you won't be able to resist Mania."

"We'll see."

And I will hope his girlfriend thinks he's worth more than $9.99. And if that's the only cash gift, I do not need to know any other tributes of gratitude that she may provide him.

Cancel Culture and The Disgruntled's Women's Real World Championship Part 2

Friday, July 24, 2020

Paul Heyman and The Disgruntled's Real Secondary Championship Part 2

*List comprised on July 10, 2020. Intro started on July 24, 2020.

With all my side blogs like Disgruntled's Real Championship Wrestling and NinetyForChill.com, I felt the need to put out three sets of blogs a week. Maybe I just want to have my definitive version of my Vince McMahon's "Mein Kampf" is 1989's "No Holds Barred" blog done with. Maybe I felt I needed an excuse for @maineventzombie to tweet promote an extra day a week. Whatever reason, I think it is starting to show a lack of depth in my life.

It may not be a depth issue. Perhaps I am just not as clever as I think I am. If you cannot say it with wit, should you really say it?

Twitter is my own worse enemy because if it can be said in 140 characters, does it deserve a blog? I have actually never had the nerve to that directly, so at least I know what I should do next blog intro. But enough about me, this is suppose to be about the best of the second best. Let us continue with the title history of the Disgruntled's Real Double Championship.

Please allow me one more aside. After watching "Dave Know Wrestlings" Top 8 Picks for a New J-Crown Championship, I am hoping that we might reach that number of titles in for the grand secondary championship. Imagine the fantasy booking blogs that could be had. It may be time for me to just invest in that green screen and start a new YouTube channel.

The 16th Disgruntled's Real Double (Intercontinental/United States) Champion:

WWF Intercontinental Champion Bret Hart (1) - August 26, 1991 to January 17, 1992

The 17th Disgruntled's Real Double Champion:
WWF Intercontinental Champion The Mountie - 1/17/92 to 1/19/92
Lex Luger was not as talented a worker as Jacques Rougeau despite his reign was going to culminate with him winning the WCW World Championship. Rougeau's victory was used to build up the WrestleMania 8 match between Roddy Piper and Bret Hart. In a sense, this further appreciated the championship's value.

The 18th Disgruntled's Real Double Champion:
WWF Intercontinental Champion Roddy Piper - 1/19/92 to 4/5/92

The 19th Disgruntled's Real Double Champion:
WWF Intercontinental Champion Bret Hart (2) - 4/5/92 to 8/29/92

The 20th Disgruntled's Real Double Champion:
WWF Intercontinental Champion Davey Boy Smith - 8/29/92 to 11/14/92

The 21st Disgruntled's Real Double Champion:
WWF Intercontinental Champion Shawn Michaels (1) - 11/14/92 to 5/17/1993

The 22nd Disgruntled's Real Double Champion:
WWF Intercontinental Champion Marty Jannetty - 5/17/93 to 6/6/93
The WCW United States Champion was Dustin Rhodes. I believe most would consider him to be more worthy of his title, but he was awarded the title after the previous champ, Rick Rude, needed to vacate the title due to injury. Rhodes would also have his title reign held up after a non-finish.

The 23rd Disgruntled's Real Double Champion:
WWF Intercontinental Champion Shawn Michaels (2) - 6/6/93 to 9/27/93

The 24th Disgruntled's Real Double Champion:
WCW United States Champion Dustin Rhodes - 9/27/93 to 12/27/93
Shawn Michaels was stripped of the official IC championship after getting popped for steroids. Rhodes had finally resolved his issues with Rude, so the US Championship was finally settled.

The 25th Disgruntled's Real Double Champion:
WCW United States Champion Steve Austin - 12/27/93 to 8/24/94
This reign ends up with this title history excluding the WrestleMania 10 ladder match, but I feel the IC title had strayed away from work rate. Razor Ramon would unify the IC belts only to lose it to Diesel who needed credibility since he was to be the big guy to replace the less physically impressive the promotion World Champions they would had.

The 26th Disgruntled's Real Double Champion:
WCW United States Champion Ricky Steamboat (2) - 8/24/94 to 9/18/94

The 27th Disgruntled's Real Double Champion:
WWF Intercontinental Champion Razor Ramon - 9/18/94 to 1/22/1995
Steamboat was injured and Austin was awarded the US title as a result.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

We're Number 5: The Disgruntled's Real Secondary Champion

*Blog post started on July 9, 2020.

If it was not for picking up lunch, business is slow to the point that I wonder if we have lifted the lockdown in Illinois.

With my commute taking me an extra five minutes, I do not wake up with the time to watch Wrestletalk's daily YouTube video. This means that, if I had the nerve to watch it while on the clock, I would have to wait till we close the lobby for the last hour of my shift. Hence, it is very easy for me to run out of work acceptable websites to kill the time with.

When you got to pay the rent, you cannot go to Ebay or Amazon for that one item you know a local shop will not have. That is another indication that I need to spend more time in Chicago if not relocate up there. I am also jealous of my college age coworkers who do not have to worry about credit card debt or bills. Go ahead and buy those toe rings. If you already added another three months to your leave your parents' place, what will another quarter-year matter?

Anyway, my taste for rare and vintage goods leaves me in a place where shopping is just looking. The search query starts reasonable, "blank championship belts", but when that may only score me a handful of results, the next 15 minutes are devoted at looking at championship belts from the past. It pains me not to add them to my collection (currently made of toy replicas, the NGW Unrecognized Interim Light Heavyweight Championship [Thanks Jakks Pacific] and the UFC championship that was going to be converted for my Peoria-based promotion that my partners flaked on [impractical for the first, unnecessary for the one who got to book Scott County Wrestling for a blip], Legit Championship Wrestling), but it can help me kill some time. I want to know the histories of these belts, so Wikipedia ends up deserving a few bucks from me.

It is fun to catch up on the past, but it maybe more fun to determine how essential these titles were. Who can deny that despite it tendency to be wrong, judging in generally fun? I suppose as long as you are not judgmental, there is nothing wrong with it. Then again, if you are spending time focused on your internet activities, you probably are quick to conclusions.

Fortunately, since the internet encompasses everything, there are plenty of harmless results to mock. In modern wrestling where half of the promoters are clueless (WWE, Impact, lets not get started on the indies), there are bad decisions that most are quick to anger about. If it ends up involving a title, the frustration goes nuclear.

I consider myself to be a very trustworthy person (Hence my frustration for lack of support when it comes to my B-movie production "Main Event of the Dead". Send an email to russthebus07@gmail.com to request a treatment for the zombies versus the indies film. I am also open to receiving suggestions on how to get this project off the ground.) and a very empathetic one at that. To end this frustration about who is worthy to call themselves a champion, here is my title history for The Disgruntled's Real Secondary Champion.

One question before we begin. Do we include the WWE Universal Championship in this list? It has yet to earn the distinction of being a World title yet. Kevin Owens and Bray "The Fiend" Wyatt both lost it to Goldberg. Roman Reigns and Finn Balor never got to truly defend it. Brock Lesnar was never around to defend it. Kofimania trumped Seth Rollin's reigns.

I suppose it is best not to because that would throw in all of Impact's Heavyweight Championship incarnations. It is best not to ask for headaches. Like the previous title histories for Disgruntled Real Championships, the start date is Starccade 1983 the first "pay-per-view".

The 1st Disgruntled's Real Intercontinental Champion:

WWF's Don Muraco (2) - January 22, 1983 to February 11, 1984.
Muraco was feuding over this title with Pedro Morales, the man who was suppose to be the man after Bruno Sammartino's eight year reign. This title history shows they went to war over this title for two years. NWA's United States Champion Greg Valentine won the belt in a brutal feud with Roddy Piper, but won it due to referee stoppage for a cut. The NWA National Championship changed hands only eight months prior when Larry Zbyszko purchased it.

The 2nd Disgruntled's Real Intercontinental Champion:
WWF's Tito Santana (1) - 2/11/84 to 9/24/84
The NWA United States Championship would be vacated during this reign only to be won back by the champion (Wahoo McDaniel) in a tourney to determine it.

The 3rd Disgruntled's Real Intercontinental Champion:
WWF's Greg Valentine - 9/24/84 to 7/6/1985

The 4th Disgruntled's Real Intercontinental Champion:
WWF's Tito Santana (2) - 7/6/85 to 2/8/1986

The 5th Disgruntled's Real Intercontinental Champion:
WWF's Randy Savage - 2/8/1986 to 3/29/1987

The 6th Disgruntled's Real Intercontinental Champion:
WWF's Ricky Steamboat (1) - 3/29/87 to 6/2/87

The 7th Disgruntled's Real Double Champion:
NWA United States Champion Nikita Koloff - 6/2/87 to 7/11/1987
It only made sense that, while Hulk Hogan was the Heavyweight Champion, the undercard had to carry the slack for the low work rate of his reign. The Honky Tonk was more of an example of knowing that pro-wrestling actually had rules due to tendency to be disqualified or counted out. Politics may have also helped Honky into this position.

Koloff won the vacated NWA United States Championship in the classic best-of-seven series with Magnum T.A. It is difficult to let the need to reestablish the lineage leave the feud from the history of secondary champions. A month into Koloff's reign, he also unified the NWA National Championship with his U.S. Title, but that title was reinstated during this reign as well.

The 8th Disgruntled's Real Double Champion:
NWA's Lex Luger (1) - 7/11/87 to 11/26/87

The 9th Disgruntled's Real Double Champion:
WWF Intercontinental Champion The Honky Tonk Man - 11/26/87 to 8/29/1988
Dusty Rhodes defeated Luger for the U.S. title, and then booked the Double Championship away by vacating it. I suppose when you have a work rate World Champion in Ric Flair, you do not need to emphasis a secondary title's importance.

The 10th Disgruntled's Real Double Champion:
WWF Intercontinental Champion The Ultimate Warrior (1) - 8/29/88 to 4/2/1989

The 11th Disgruntled's Real Double Champion:

WWF Intercontinental Champion Rick Rude - 4/2/89 to 8/28/89

The 12th Disgruntled's Real Double Champion:

WWF Intercontinental Champion The Ultimate Warrior (2) - 4/2/89 to 4/1/1990
It is tempting to want to void the Warrior, but he showed the meaning of the secondary title when he challenged and defeated the World Champion. As Pro Wrestling Illustrated always implied, this belt was suppose to represent the number one contender. Bill Apter must never had played "Punch Out" to understand the nuances of why it was not. Then again, no promotion separated competition into, lets say, regional divisions to better define a title's meaning.

The 13rd Disgruntled's Real Double Champion:
NWA United States Champion Lex Luger (2) - 4/1/90 to 10/27/90
This is before WWF realized (and perhaps all domestic promoters) the storyline opportunities that double champions provide. Warrior vacated the IC title which was not filled until Mr. Perfect won a tournament to claim it. Perfect ended up defeating two-time Double Champion Tito Santana in the final, so it is hard to say the belt lost any prestige during the vacation.

Lex Luger has never been considered a great worker, but he had become synonymous with the US title. He was in the midst of a 523-day long reign (longer than Honky's IC reign) and would eventually pull a Warrior when he won the World title as a secondary champ.

The 14th Disgruntled's Real Double Champion:
NWA United States Champion Stan Hansen - 10/27/90 to 12/16/90
It is tempting to give this title to Kerry Von Erich, but since they put the IC belt back on Mr. Perfect, and he did not have a notable feud afterwards, he ended up as a failed WWF outsider.

The 15th Disgruntled's Real Double Champion:
WWF Intercontinental Champion Mr. Perfect - 12/16/90 to 8/26/1991
You cannot argue Lex Luger was a better performer than Curt Hennig, regardless of their WWF feud's result. I do find it ironic that Luger became the man to represent America under Vince McMahon after becoming the best United States champion elsewhere.

I tried to make it a decade into this title reign, but justifying why I should do this seems to have taken too long. With no explanations needed, hopefully I can dive right into the next installment and perhaps come up with a better name than double championship. Respect must be shown to the current IWGP champion.

Wagging the Wednesday Night Wars & the Real Heavyweight Championship