
With NinetyforChill.com evolving into more than the rough draft blog for my primary blog, MainEventoftheDead.com needs a new place to test out the formatting of recent blogs. "Main Event of the Dead" is my screenplay about pro-wrestling and zombies. I have a movie website, so may as well have a wrestling site.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Ring Draft - Monday Night Raw 2020 - I Can Book with That.

 *Blog post started on October 20, 2020

I guess we are in a holding pattern until after November 3. That sucks in when it comes to coming up with blogs. Tentatively, this post would be published (I mean promoted.) on the fourth of next month. It could be a whole new world by that point, so how could the exercise of going into my head be relevant by that point.

30 Minutes Later:

Working on a tattoo design did kill some of the time. I suppose I could go to The Ringer or AV Club to amuse myself till closing time. A Letterboxd account is something I should establish at some point. It might be a good way to promote NinetyForChill.com. If it serves as a database for my knowledge, that could take up an entire shift.

But I do not have an entire shift, so lets return to the initial blog title, Ring Draft - "Monday Night Raw". There is no question that I would like to be a part of the Screen Drafts Podcast, but I do a lack the bibliographic fame and accreditation outside Illinois Central College's mass communication department from the 2001 to 2010. Thus, that is territory I shall not walk directly on. Fortunately, someone has to do a wrestling draft right. 

Too bad my draft response will probably be promoted a month after relevance. I guess I better hope my other posts have knocked it out of the park. Perhaps my ex-girlfriend is right and I should just do YouTube videos. That requires less thought from the audience.

"USA Network" Draft 2020:

  1. Drew McIntyre (WWE Champion)
  2. Bray Wyatt
  3. The Hurt Business (featuring the US Champion)
  4. Randy Orton
  5. AJ Styles
  6. Braun Strowman
  7. Jeff Hardy
  8. Matt Riddle
  9. Ricochet
  10. The Miz and John Morrison
  11. Retribution
  12. Keith Lee
  13. Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods (Tag Team Champions)
  14. Elias

Why did I list these out and why twice as many as a Screen Draft? First off, this gives me a pool of who Vince McMahon deems important. Secondly, wrestling is all about dance partners, so you cannot stop at an odd number.

Why are there no draft picks for the women's division? Because the division is not deep enough for two shows.

Monday Night Raw currently has two remaining story lines (McIntyre/Orton and Hurt Business/Retribution) and one that came over from Smackdown (Hardy/Elias). The last Raw quickly established a Strowman/Lee feud. Once the current WWE Championship feud resolves itself, all of the remaining feuds should create the next contender.

Basically, I am just going to book the feud results out to WrestleMania 37. When I think there is no place for a performer, an NXT guy will be called up to fill in the line up. If you were not drafted in the top 14, should be looking for bookings elsewhere.

Hell in the Cell:

  1. McIntyre defeats Orton to end their feud. Orton goes on to feud with Ricochet to reestablish the high flyer.
  2. Wyatt interferes with Strowman and Lee's quest for top contendership. The Fiend eventually pushes the two out of the picture. McIntyre and Wyatt feud to the Royal Rumble. It looks like they pulled the trigger early on this idea, but as of 10/27, I have not gotten the "Monday Night Raw" results yet.
  3. Lee has a series with Styles to give him the rub.
  4. Strowman and Riddle feud to show off Riddle's MMA's prowess.
  5. The Miz and Morrison feud with the New Day into TLC. With Miz now having the Money in the Bank Briefcase, this could be shot.
  6. Jeff Hardy and Elias become a tag team to challenge Miz and Morrison at the Royal Rumble and Elimination Champber.
  7. Retribution and The Hurt Business blow off at TLC.

Ignoring Survivor Series:

It is probably a good idea because we do not know what kind of variant of brand warfare it will be. Again, I have yet to find out what has happened on the 10/26 Raw. No titles changed hands anyhow at the last Survivor Series event.


  1. McIntyre Orton loses the WWE championship to Wyatt. There will be a rematch at the Royal Rumble.
  2. Orton defeats Ricochet. Ricochet will eventually be inserted into the Hurt Business.
  3. Orton is in a holding pattern till Elimination Chamber.
  4. Miz and Morrison take the tag team title from the New Day.
  5. Elias and Hardy blow off their feud to team up against the tag champs.
  6. Riddle upsets Strowman.
  7. Lee defeats AJ Styles.

Royal Rumble:

  1. Wyatt retains over McIntyre Orton. McIntyre will return in the Rumble match and fight valiantly in defeat. Elimination Chamber will decide Wyatt and McIntyre's opponents at WrestleMania.
  2. Elias and Hardy vs. Miz and Morrison will end up in a DQ after Retribution interferes.
  3. No other matches for Raw will occur at this event. Randy Orton will probably be set to face off with Edge at this event.

Elimination Chamber:

  1. Wyatt loses the championship to Randy Orton. Styles, Strowman, Mustafa Ali, and McIntyre will also be in the bout.
  2. Lee will the New Day win a six-man tag against the Hurt Business. It sets up Lee vs. Lashley for WrestleMania.
  3. Retribution defeats Miz and Morrison for the tag team championship.
  4. Riddle and Ricochet tear the house down. Ricochet joins the Hurt Business.


  1. Orton defends the WWE Championship against Edge.
  2. Lee defeats Lashley for the US Championship.
  3. Retribution defends the tag team championships against New Day, Miz and Morrison, and Hardy and Elias.
  4. Riddle vs Strowman vs Styles.
  5. McIntrye and Wyatt feud concludes.
This gets us through WrestleMania. Suspecting there will be another draft in October 2021, the only thing I can do is take this out to Summer Slam. To do that, I think some cuts will need to be made and some call ups or actual pushes for those who did not make the top 14. But if I was to start a wrestling promotion, this is a great base to begin with.

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