
With NinetyforChill.com evolving into more than the rough draft blog for my primary blog, MainEventoftheDead.com needs a new place to test out the formatting of recent blogs. "Main Event of the Dead" is my screenplay about pro-wrestling and zombies. I have a movie website, so may as well have a wrestling site.

Friday, October 2, 2020

WrestleMania 35: A Wrestling Weekend Past and All the Corrections

The consolidating of all my blogs to MainEventOfTheDead.com had gone pretty smoothly until my revisiting my time in Partial Hospitalization for Psychiatric reasons (depression, and OSF would say alcoholism, but that was not really a problem until I moved to a 2 am last call town). These went long and my obsessive compulsive nature left the visual appearance of the content feeling off.

Thus, I need to write longer new blogs since the entries from My First Blog turned into being primarily movie reviews, and since I would talk about my depression on HeadTrip309.Blogspot.com, there were not as many long-winded rants about how I was feeling. So, there was a time where I was even doing more micromanaging than I am now. Perhaps it was not the social scene in Peoria that was the problem, but my quirk-driven nature. Alcohol could have been the problem because it did not relax me enough.

My satire game had been strong the past couple of weeks with "Destroy Capitalism! Destroy the Consumer" (My one regret was not using the word kill instead of destroy. How did I miss the alliteration?) and "How Many Trimesters Are Too Few: Abolish the Terrible Twos" (Despite my current Catholic-raised girlfriend's objections. That makes me want to figure out the trauma that lead to a lot of my decisions opposing my WASP grandfather's prejudices.), but each got shorter as I wrote them. The only thing I know that will take up a lot of space on a website is my analysis of pro-wrestling. Thank the Gods (LeVeque, Silkin, Gedo and McMahon) for the previous weekend.

How to Have Given Wrestlemania an Acceptable Runtime:

Because I operate a movie critique website that states the ideal runtime is one hour and 37 minutes (Ninetyforchill.com), I think I may be the ideal person to make the booking decisions to prevent a six-hour plus show.

Move the Raw Tag Team Championship Match to Monday.

They just played the match back the following night. Ryder and Hawkins would still get a hometown victory and The Revival would be receiving the treatment they want us to perceive that they have been.

Move the Smackdown Tag Team Championship Match to the Preshow

If Ricochet and Aleister Black were going to fail in all three of their tag team challenges, did they need to lose the last on the biggest stage?

Move Kurt Angle's retirement match to after AJ Styles vs Randy Orton

Is it me, or did the show drag for the last half because of all the Smackdown matches being on early?

Cut the Roman Reigns vs Drew MacIntyre Match

I did not recall them doing anything with it on Raw the next night. MacIntyre was on Smackdown to get away from Reigns anyhow.

Move the John Cena/Elias Segment to Raw

If the demoted Undertaker to from the showcase of the immortals, why not John Cena. Have Elias take an FU on Monday, and a Tombstone on Tuesday.

Cut all of the video packages

There was a two-hour preshow with only 40 minutes of wrestling. If you watched the preshow, you had to watch them twice adding to the dragging sensation.

Who is the Disgruntled Wrestling Fan's Real World Champion?

Back in February (January since I was backlogging content) I brought up that I felt that Hiroshi Tanahashi had cost New Japan Professional Wrestling's grip on the Real World Championship. You gotta be willing to take an Okada-level of V-Triggers to sell me on being the successor to Kenny Omega. Failing to defend the title proved it. Jay White gave the belt a little more prestige if you saw how many knees he took when he defeated Omega for the United States Championship, but losing the primary title to Kazuchika Okada in his first defense may shows the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship contenders may not be as strong after Omega became a vice president with All Elite Wrestling.

My suggestions on the new champion were NWA's Nick Aldis who swapped the title with Cody, WWE's Daniel Bryan who ended up vanquishing AJ Styles and retained in two multiple challenger defenses, and NXT's Tomasso Ciampa who was having the best matches of these three since becoming that brand's champion. NXT is the only must watch WWE TV (Wrestling Compadres), so the argument that it is the top belt (especially since WWE seems to forget to mention the word World when discussing Bryan's title) sounds reasonable.

Sadly, relinquishing and vacating NXT's divisional titles can be the cost to perform on cable TV and possibly Hulu. Thus, with Ciampa's neck injury, the argument needs to be rebuilt. I am not a big fan of brief belt swapping, so Daniel Bryan was the man to beat if you wanted to be regarded as the best to the IWC.

Below is a list of 2019's reigns of the Disgruntled Wrestling Fan's Real World Champion:

85th World Heavyweight Champion - New Japan Pro Wrestling's Kenny Omega: 6/9/18 to 1/4/19

86th Champion - WWE World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan (4): 1/4/19 to 4/7/19

87th and Current Champion - Kofi Kingston

If only The Bar did not interfere in the "Raw" winner take all championship, a Seth Rollins win would have finally allowed me to consider the Universal Championship as the top prize. Now, Okada is just waiting for Bryan to swap the belts to regain the title of best champ.

Outside of Mania was "The Lego Movie"

With the exception of a forgettable Women's Title Match on NXT Takeover, the big Friday and Saturday shows were great. It also demonstrates how Wrestlemania was mathematically a problem. A five-match NXT card was over three hours. This should lead the casual to think that a 12-match card would be six hours.

The G1 Supercard also was a blue print on what WWE could easily improve upon. Bandido vs Ishimori vs Dragon Lee match was fantastic at under 10 minutes suggesting that most Cruiserweight matches should not take over 10 minutes. And the card was built around merit instead of emotion. It worked out well for Mania when Lesnar threw a tantrum, but that is because WWE fans demanded three results. ROH/NJPW had matches where we would accept any result.

And now on to the proofreading.

That is the worse thing about being so long-winded, but you gotta hold yourself to a higher standard than Donald Trump. I only wish I could have mentioned Vince McMahon a lot in the blog to be above him.



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